Catania: Ex-wife makes death threat on young son's grave. 47-year-old man arrested by Carabinieri

That afternoon, in fact, the woman, accompanied by her 13-year-old daughter, had gone to the Catania cemetery to lay flowers on her young son's grave, when her ex approached her and demanded that she follow him to "discuss".

Catania: Ex-wife makes death threat on young son's grave. 47-year-old man arrested by Carabinieri.

It ended the other day, “the hell” that a 42 year old from Catania had to endure due to the continuous harassment by her ex-husband, a 47 year old from Catania, already known to the police for his criminal record, who, on that occasion, was arrested red-handed by the Carabinieri of the Operational Unit of the Piazza Dante Company, for mistreatment in the family, violence and resistance to a public official.

That afternoon, in fact, the lady, accompanied by her 13-year-old daughter, had gone to the cemetery in Catania to lay flowers on the grave of the young son, when she was reached by her ex who, having approached, demanded that she follow him to "discuss".

She, however, mindful of her husband's violent behavior that had caused their separation and having understood that, if she refused to go away, he would repeat that behavior again, the 42-year-old he immediately dialed 112 NUE, informing the Carabinieri of the impending danger.

Providential, therefore, was the intervention of the patrol that that afternoon was engaged in a territorial control service in the Acquicella Porto area and, therefore, reached the cemetery in a handful of minutes.

The military personnel of the Arma thus reached the couple in one of the cemetery avenues, finding the little girl in tears and the 47-year-old shouting vehemently at his ex, approaching with a clearly threatening attitude, so to protect her, they placed themselves between them.

At first, the man seemed to have understood that he had exaggerated, so much so that, apologizing, he left, while the Carabinieri tried to calm the minor down and then listened to the victim's story to better understand the dynamics of the facts.
He, however, returned to the place and he made death threats both the ex and the Carabinieri, and then lashed out against the latter.

At that point, the man was immediately blocked and secured, he was then arrested and, by order of the Judicial Authority, which validated his arrest, transferred to the Catania Piazza Lanza prison.

At the barracks, the woman, now reassured by the presence of the Carabinieri, told the "terrible married years”, dotted with countless episodes of beatings by her husband, who allegedly beat her even while she was pregnant, causing the traumatic termination of pregnancy.

The woman was also reportedly the victim of sexual violence as well as death threats and, on one occasion, after having forced her to get into the car, her husband allegedly told her <<… Don't you understand that I'm taking you to the countryside now? The grave is ready for you! …>>, so much so that she, terrified, she allegedly jumped out of the moving car. It was this last serious episode of violence that convinced her that if she did not separate from her husband, he would certainly move on.

Catania: minaccia di morte l'ex moglie sulla tomba del del giovane figlio. Arrestato dai Carabinieri un uomo di 47 anni

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