Castelvetrano, they attack a fellow countryman leaving him unconscious on the street. 4 Tunisians reported

The Carabinieri have reported 4 people of foreign nationality aged between 18 and 42 responsible for a violent attack against a fellow countryman

Castelvetrano (Trapani), they attack a fellow countryman leaving him unconscious on the street. 4 Tunisians reported

The Carabinieri of the Castelvetrano Company have reported 4 people of foreign nationality between the ages of 18 and 42 responsible for a violent attack against a fellow countryman.
The Carabinieri intervened in the town centre, following a report to 112, of an unconscious man collapsed on the side of the road.

Castelvetrano, aggrediscono un connazionale lasciandolo privo di sensi per strada. Denunciati 4 tunisini

The man, a 28-year-old Tunisian, was allegedly attacked by fellow countrymen who kicked, punched and beat him with sticks, causing trauma and fractures to his face and body. (judged curable with a prognosis of 30 days), leaving immediately after the criminal action.
The perpetrators were identified thanks to the viewing of urban video surveillance images and the testimonies collected.

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