Cassano Spinola (AL): poisoned morsels found to intoxicate animals

The Stazzano forestry department and the Cuneo anti-poison dog department found some poisoned baits that are highly harmful to animals.

Cassano Spinola (AL): poisoned morsels found to intoxicate animals. 

I Carabinieri of Stazzano Forestry Station and Anti-poison dog department of the Cuneo Forestry Group have been engaged in the activity of prevention of the abandonment of toxic bait for animals, generally called "poisoned morsels", in the territory of the municipality of Cassano Spinola.

The activity arose from recent discovery of some morsels in an urban area, thanks to the use of the Carabinieri of the Stations and the ASL veterinary services staff.
I samples taken are results positive for metaldehyde, a substance used as snail killer, Which can be lethal for animals. following the discovery, the Mayor took steps to have it affixed signs for advise the community of possible risk.

Cassano Spinola (AL): trovati bocconi avvelenati per intossicare gli animali

La criminal conduct, which falls in crime of "dangerous throw of things", so far as reasons, as directed consequence, the death of an animal, results in the most serious crime of “killing of animal” and in the hypothesis of “mistreatment of animals” for any suffering caused.

The Carabinieri of the Stazzano Forestry Station invite citizens to report any findings of "poisoned morsels".”, by contacting the number 0143/61066 or the email address

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