Capodrise, refuses to give him money for drugs and attacks his partner: 27-year-old arrested

On Monday morning after yet another violence, a 26-year-old decided to report to the authorities her 27-year-old partner, a drug addict who had attacked her shortly before, causing scratches on her arms, because she had refused to give him the money to buy the drugs .

Capodrise (Caserta), refuses to give him money for drugs and attacks his partner: 27-year-old arrested

He had never reported his 27-year-old partner for mistreatment because he thought he could bring him to reason. This was not the case and Monday morning the 26 year old victim, a following yet another attack, she gathered courage and called the police.

Upon their arrival, the military of the Marcianise station, they found her in the backyard waiting for them. Also keeping her company were her mother-in-law and brother-in-law to whom the woman had initially asked for help.

The victim, who had visible scratches on his arms, denounced to the soldiers of the Army that she had been attacked by her partner shortly before, drug addict, who demanded money to buy drugs.

At the offices of Marcianise station the 26-year-old then reported other episodes, increasingly frequent, of physical attacks and death threats from her partner, always aimed at extort money from her on a daily basis to purchase drugs. According to the woman's story, in certain circumstances, the attacks and threats had also occurred in the presence of the two minor children.

The man, in progress affected by oral warning and that before the arrival of the carabinieri he had taken refuge on the perimeter wall of the house to escape the reaction of his brother, who also intervened to help his sister-in-law, he was then arrested and transferred to the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison (Caserta).

Capodrise, si rifiuta di dargli i soldi per la droga e aggredisce la sua compagna: arrestato 27enne

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