Caltanissetta: Carabinieri arrest 9 people for mafia-type association

They are also under investigation for extortion aggravated by the mafia method and the availability of weapons, possession and trafficking of narcotic substances in competition.

Caltanissetta: Carabinieri arrest 9 people for mafia-type association

Today's operation conducted by the Carabinieri of Caltanissetta, coordinated by the DDA of the Nissena Prosecutor's Office, concerns a alleged mafia-type criminal organization, based in Campofranco (CL): there are 10 people to whom, during the preliminary investigations, precautionary measures were applied (7 in prison and 3 under house arrest).

On the morning of May 23, the Caltanissetta Investigative Unit executed a precautionary custody order, issued during the preliminary investigations by the Caltanissetta GIP at the request of the local DDA, against 10 individuals (all Italian, 1 of whom is currently untraceable and actively sought), investigated for the crime of mafia-type association, extortion aggravated by the mafia method and the availability of weapons, possession and dealing of narcotic substances in competition.

The investigation was launched in October 2022 in order to be able to monitor Schillaci Angelo's social relationships after his release from prison, having served his sentence for the crime of mafia association.

The investigative findings made it possible to ascertain how the suspects, most of them presumed to belong to the Campofranco mafia family, had worked for the reorganization of the criminal association, with a particular interest in obtaining weapons and the creation of a "common fund" through the illicit proceeds of extortion and drug dealing.
In particular they have been verified four extortion attempts to the detriment of some companies involved in the renovation of public works in the municipalities of Campofranco and Milena (also through the carrying out of intimidating acts) and of a commercial operator from Campofranco, as well as three extortion cases committed against entrepreneurs and commercial operators.

The investigations made it possible to outline the current structure of this association, identify the current leader, and ascertain collaborative relationships with individuals from Milena and the province of Agrigento, functional to the pursuit of the criminal program outlined immediately after Schillaci's release from prison.

The Campofranchese mafia family of "cosa nostra", in particular, also known as the Vaccaro clan due to the more than twenty-year-long connection of the top to members of the blood family of the Germans Domenico and Lorenzo Vaccaro, it has always been at the centre of the balance of power of the mafia in the province of Caltanissetta, even at the regional level due to the very high criminal profile of its bosses, starting with the aforementioned Domenico Vaccaro, the last provincial representative of the “cosa nostra nissena”, who had assumed a significant role in the balance of power of the Sicilian mafia in the years immediately following the capture of the historical boss Salvatore Riina because he was identified as the substitute for the head of the “provincial commission”, “Piddu” Madonia.

The activities carried out by the Investigative Unit, with the collaboration in the area provided by the staff of the Carabinieri Company of Mussomeli, have allowed us to ascertain how the Campofranco "family", apparently in difficulty due to the lack of human resources at liberty, would have continued to operate effectively in the territory while maintaining control of the same through already known individuals and others "approached" and/or "confidential" , recruited in the most recent period.

During the activities, among other things, Schillaci's acrimony towards a "man of honor", currently a collaborator of Justice, emerged, so much so that he thought of implementing retaliatory actions against him.

Caltanissetta: i carabinieri arrestano 9 persone per associazione di tipo mafioso


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