Caltanissetta, operation “Bella vita”: the police arrest the regent of Cosa Nostra and six others

Caltanissetta, the State Police carried out a vast anti-mafia operation against Cosa Nostra.

The policemen of the Flying Squad following the request made by the Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate they arrested 7 people, investigated in various capacities for mafia-type association dedicated to the commission of extortion and drug trafficking; one of those arrested is the regent of Cosa Nostra in Caltanissetta.

The results of the investigations made it possible to support the current operations of a mafia group belonging to Cosa Nostra Nissena, headed by one of the arrested who managed to reinvigorate the association, reorganizing the Mafia family of Caltanissetta. Right from the start, the investigation activity allowed the investigators to detect how the same has assumed a leading role in the city mafia landscape; this is due to the power vacuum caused by the absence of men of honor due to the numerous imprisonments in recent years and the repentance of some historical associates.

The latter, showing off his excessive delinquent power, constantly spent himself on finding the money necessary to support the imprisonment of Mafia inmates.

The investigations have given full knowledge of the immense Mafia criminal growth of the same, which on several occasions has emphasized his loyalty to the mafia rules that he would never betray, as well as he would never fail to support the mafia who are in jail and that he was taught those rules; rules that he himself tries to pass on to his affiliates, who are now arrested.

The same has made all his associates loyal, always reassuring them of the fact that, if arrested, he would have undertaken to keep them in prison, as he did in the past on the occasion of their previous arrests, following which they never betrayed him.

The association was also dedicated to a widespread extortion activity against Nissen entrepreneurs.

All the associates operated according to traditional mafia schemes, reducing contacts between them, organizing meetings in the open countryside, exchanging "pizzini" of Provençanian memory with each other, in the belief that they could thus evade investigative attention from the police.

An important turning point in the investigation came with the notification of a notice of conclusion of the investigation, relating to another proceeding for drugs; on that occasion, confirming his role at the top, the same took care to set aside the sums of money necessary for his maintenance once he too was arrested. Of particular interest is the amazement of the mafia boss who found himself under investigation despite the precautions employed, such as moving for "kilometers" to talk in person with his acolytes or bring everything back to "pizzini" which he then swallowed.

The role of head of the mafia organization granted to the person arrested in the area was deduced from countless episodes such as, for example, the request for intervention by some convicted criminals from Nisse who had called him to play the role of peacemaker; the resolution of disputes arising between two entrepreneurs in the context of negotiations for the sale of a car wash; the manifest desire to enter the lucrative sectors of real estate sales and construction work, after having already entered the sector of car sales, so as to ensure investment channels for the laundering of the proceeds of illicit activities and thus obtain illegal earnings to be allocated also to support the families of prisoners.

The coffers of the mafia organization were financed thanks to the intense drug dealing activity carried out by the same and his associates, arrested today, and also thanks to the traditional extortion activity, to which several traders from Caltanissetta and the province were subjected, to which it was openly explained that the extortionate payments were also used to support the prisoners.

The entire investigative activity was based on telephone and environmental wiretapping, without any declarative contribution being provided by the victims of extortion; this is proof of the unchanged intimidation force of the mafia association capable of imposing a climate of widespread silence.

During today's operation, € 36.000 in cash and 1 kg were seized. of cocaine.

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