Brescia: Two of the alleged perpetrators of the murder of Singh Ranjit on Christmas Eve 2023 arrested
The Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Brescia has executed a custodial order against 2 Italian citizens of Indo-Pakistani origin.
Brescia: two of the alleged perpetrators of the murder of Singh Ranjit on Christmas Eve 2023 arrested.
Il Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Brescia executed in Leno (BS) and Pavone del Mella (BS), with the support of the local Carabinieri, a custodial detention order issued by the investigating judge at the Court of Brescia, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, against 2 Italian citizens, of Indo-Pakistani origin, resident in this province and believed to be jointly responsible for the murder, aggravated by premeditation, to the detriment of the Indian citizen SINGH Ranjit, committed in Brescia on Christmas Eve 2023.
At the same time, a further suspect, of Indian nationality, also held allegedly responsible for the criminal episode, after having been Traced to the United Kingdom as a result of sophisticated localization activities, he was arrested and extradited to Italy.
The investigations, carried out by the Investigative Unit and the Operational Section of the Brescia Company, directed by the local Public Prosecutor's Office, had already allowed the reconstruction of the dynamics of the criminal event, understanding the motive and identifying the other responsible parties, currently confined in prison as well as those arrested today.
The criminal responsibility of the suspects will be ascertained only at the outcome of the trial with an irrevocable criminal sentence.
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