Brescia: Entrepreneur Tries to Bribe a Technician to Falsify Documents

The military personnel of the Brescia Forestry Carabinieri Nucleus and the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Verolanuova Carabinieri Company, at the end of complex investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia, today arrested an entrepreneur who heads a Brescia-based corporate group operating in the mining, construction and waste disposal sectors.

Brescia: Entrepreneur tries to bribe a technician to falsify documents. House arrest and seizure of the extraction basin.

The military personnel of the Brescia Forestry Carabinieri Nucleus and of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Verolanuova Carabinieri Company, at the end of detailed investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia, today arrested an entrepreneur who heads a Brescia-based corporate group operating in the mining sector, building as well as of the waste disposal.

Brescia: un imprenditore cerca di corrompere un tecnico per falsificare dei documenti a causa di alcune irregolarità. Arresti domiciliari e sequestro del bacino estrattivo 2

According to the accusation, which will have to be proven in court in light of the principle of the presumption of innocence, the entrepreneur is under house arrest from today he allegedly tried to bribe a technician so that he could falsify the topographical survey of a sand and gravel quarry operated by one of the group's companies, so as to hide the serious discrepancies with which this extraction basin was cultivated – also confirmed with the support of the 2nd Carabinieri Helicopter Unit of Orio al Serio – occupying an area of ​​over 200.000 square meters, which has been subjected to seizure.

During today's operation, it was a search was also carried out against a well-known local politician who allegedly facilitated contacts between the entrepreneur and the technician in the context of the corruption episode.

It turns out finally a manager employed by the entrepreneur was also involved arrested, who is accused of having offered undue benefits to the consultant of a Local Authority in order to direct the administrative activities of the latter in favor of the company.

The criminal liability of the accused will in any case be ascertained only at the end of the trial with an irrevocable criminal sentence.

Brescia: un imprenditore cerca di corrompere un tecnico per falsificare dei documenti a causa di alcune irregolarità. Arresti domiciliari e sequestro del bacino estrattivo

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