Brescia: They falsified driving license tests, 4 arrested
There are more than 60 suspects in total, with those who would have unduly used the illicit service also answering for the crimes involved.
Brescia: They falsified driving license tests, 4 arrested
Following a complex investigation conducted in full synergy, the State Police, the Provincial Police and the military of the Economic-Financial Police Unit of Brescia have executed an application order for a precautionary measure against four individuals under investigation for having set up a criminal association aimed at obtaining type B driving licenses and driver qualification cards (so-called CQC) for the professional driving of heavy vehicles on behalf of third parties. The precautionary measures are added to the other four measures already carried out in September 2023, against subjects all belonging to the same criminal gang.
In particular, the investigations would have highlighted the involvement, as the "chief promoter" of the association, of a subject from Brescia, owner of four driving schools, who would have worked, together with his associates, to obtain driving licenses and/or driver qualification certificates for several candidates, falsely certifying the candidates' participation in the planned training course (mandatory) and having, as part of the planned qualification exams, fraudulently equipped the candidates with microcameras and miniaturized earphones connected to an external prompter who would have provided the correct answers to be given during the exam.
The long and complex investigation activity originates from a series of interventions carried out by Traffic Police officers at the local Civil Motorization Office where dozens of candidates came found to be in possession of electronic equipment suitable for receiving external suggestions and therefore reported at large.
During a subsequent search carried out on the owner of four driving schools, the Provincial Police had already over one million euros in unaccounted cash was found and, being able to identify the presence of crimes presupposed for the applicability of confiscation "for disproportion" (ex 240-bis cp), in the transversal perspective of attacking the illicitly accumulated assets, the military personnel of the Economic-Financial Police Unit of Brescia proceeded to carry out targeted economic-patrimonial investigations which would have highlighted an actual disproportion between the declared income and the assets owned by the aforementioned owner of driving schools of over 1 million euros, thus arriving at the preventive seizure of the money.
The investigation made it possible to charge the suspect and his supporters with the crime of criminal association, corruption, incitement to corruption and numerous forgery of public documents. The special crime of taking driving tests through suggestion systems was also contested, as well as allegations of extortion on candidates. The operation also had the advantage of being able to identify, among the first cases in Italy, the so-called "telephone operator", a remote prompter for exams.
There are more than 60 suspects in total, with those who would have unduly used the illicit service in order to achieve, according to the prosecution's theory, also responsible for the crimes involved. irregular driving licences, without having to take the exams yourself or without attending onerous and long compulsory training courses to obtain the special license for heavy vehicles.
Given the vastness of the phenomenon and the social importance of the operation, with nationwide diffusion, I am further investigative investigations are underway, with investigators analyzing over 2.000 driving licences (type ABCC.QC) obtained in the Brescia area by subjects coming from the entire national territory. Criminal seizure is expected with consequent withdrawal and invalidation of the illegally obtained titles by the competent Administrative Authority.
Following the investigations by the judicial police, therefore, with an operation conducted in the provinces of Brescia, Cremona and Naples, the members of the organisation were notified an application order for precautionary custody in prison, two orders for house arrest and one for the obligation to report to the Judicial Police (in addition to custody in prison and house arrest already carried out in September). The searches are underway, also conducted with the technical-operational support of the Central Organized Crime Investigation Service with the use of modern technological instruments and two "cash dog" canine units of the Financial Police to search for cash.
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