Brenner, a criminal illegal immigrant tries to enter Italy illegally. Arrested by the State Police and expelled

During the course of routine patrolling activities at the border crossing aimed at combating illegal immigration, the State Police Agents identified a 55-year-old Albanian citizen with numerous criminal records on board a train coming from Munich and headed to Verona.

Brennero (Bolzano), a criminal illegal immigrant tries to enter Italy illegally. Arrested by the State Police and expelled

On Monday, During the course of routine patrolling activities at the border crossing aimed at combating illegal immigration, the State Police Agents on duty at the Brenner Public Security Police Station identified a 55-year-old Albanian citizen, a certain IX, on board a train coming from Munich and headed for Verona.

During the inspection operations, the man attracted the attention of the Police due to his nervous and impatient attitude, which is why he was made to get off the train and accompanied to the Police Station for more in-depth checks.
Here, following a check at the Database of the Ministry of the Interior, numerous criminal and/or police records emerged against the subject, for crimes of various nature and severity; Furthermore, IX had already been expelled in March 2019 by the Public Security Authorities of Ascoli Piceno and, subsequently, repatriated by plane from Brindisi Airport. He later emigrated again from Albania to Germany and, from there, attempted to re-enter Italy.

Brennero, clandestino pregiudicato tenta di far ingresso illegalmente in Italia. Arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato ed espulso

For this reason, IX was arrested for having entered our country illegally and placed at the disposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Bolzano.
Following the validation of the arrest and his release from prison, the Police Commissioner of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori, in consideration of what happened and the previous convictions against him, issued an Expulsion Decree against him with a simultaneous Order of Escort to the Airport of Milano Malpensa, where he was already boarded and escorted onto a flight to Tirana yesterday evening.

"The systematic road, motorway and railway checks carried out by the State Police in the area of ​​competence of the Brenner Border, both the joint checks carried out by the POLFER and the ROAD POLICE with the equivalent departments of the Austrian and German Police, and those carried out by the Brenner Public Safety Commissioner – underlined Commissioner Sartori – They are very effective in monitoring border crossings and preventing foreigners who do not comply with immigration regulations, often with criminal records, from clandestinely crossing the borders to commit crimes.".

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