Bolzano, loses 300 euros in “Scratch and Win”, punches and bites tobacconist in anger: 51-year-old Pakistani reported

The 51-year-old, impaired by alcohol after yet another disappointment at the "Gratta e Vinci", had thrown the losing coupons at the tobacconist and then, before fleeing, he punched and bit him. The man was stopped by the Police and identified and had numerous criminal records behind him as well as a Ban on returning to the Municipality of Bolzano. In the end he was reported to the Judicial Authority for failure to comply with the Expulsion Order and for the assault on the tobacconist, in addition a Decree of Expulsion from the National Territory was issued.

Bolzano, loses 300 euros in “scratch and win”, punches and bites tobacconist in anger: 51-year-old Pakistani reported

A completely unusual and unexpected reaction - especially from the victim - shown by a man in the grip of gambling addiction and alcohol fumes after yet another disappointment from the purchase of “Scratch Cards”.

On Wednesday afternoon a call came to the Operations Centre of the Police Headquarters, through the emergency number “112 NUE”, to a report of a violent argument between the manager of the tobacconist's in via Cesare Battisti 3 and a drunk customer who had already left.

- crews “Flying” team of the State Police, joints in a few moments in the indicated location, they contacted the manager of the Public Business, who reported to the Policemen as shortly before a customer, visibly altered by alcohol abuse, having lost around 300 Euros on “Scratch cards”, he had vented his frustration by throwing the losing coupons at him.

The tobacconist, also to avoid creating problems for other customers, a that point invited the drunk to leave the shop; the invitation, however, it must not have been particularly pleasant to the very disappointed gambler, so much so that, in response, he attacked the tobacconist, punching him in the forehead, then “bite him” with a violent bite on the arm before fleeing.

Thanks to the descriptions provided by the victim, The agents of the "Flying cars" they quickly managed to locate him in the vicinity of the Tobacconist the “nervous” and aggressive foreigner; once accompanied to the Police Headquarters offices and completed identified for this IM, 51 year old Pakistani citizen with numerous criminal and/or police records against him, as well as with a Ban on returning to the Municipality of Bolzano, il subject was reported to the Judicial Authority for non-compliance with the Foglio di Via and for the attack on the tobacconist.

The Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori also has an Expulsion Decree from the National Territory was issued against IM.

Bolzano, perde 300 euro in "Gratta e Vinci", per la rabbia tira un pugno e morde il tabaccaio: denunciato 51enne pachistano

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