Bolzano, instigated clash with Albanian fans: 40-year-old given a Daspo
After last Saturday's European football match between Italy and Albania, a fan from Bolzano instigated some young people to violence against Albanian supporters, the DIGOS men intervened to block the 40-year-old from Bolzano and at that point the man started to rant against the police. The man was stopped and reported for incitement to crime and a Daspo was issued, for 3 years he will not be able to access places where sporting events take place on national territory
Bolzano, instigated clash with Albanian fans: 4-year-old given a Daspo
Last Saturday evening, in view of any possible planned celebrations of the fans of the Italian national football team, which usually on the occasion of victories in important competitions, they go down on the streets by the thousands, with Order of the Police Commissioner of the Province of Bolzano Paolo Sartori, as agreed upon by the Provincial Committee for Public Order and Safety, a specific Public Order Service was provided for by the Police Forces with the aim of guaranteeing safety of people from any violations of the law. In particular, the Service was centered in the area of Piazza della Vittoria and Corso Libertà, traditional meeting points for cheering supporters.
Much of the evening passed in complete tranquility, with numerous Italian and Albanian fans mixed together.
At a certain momentat the end of the game, DIGOS men had identified and stopped a 40-year-old man from Bolzano who, with an altered manner and an agitated manner, shouts and inciting gestures, he was trying to encourage a dozen young people – according to him belonging to the “Casapound” Movement, in fact known to the police as fans of the local ice hockey team - to follow him to clash with the Albanian fans, “rei”, according to him, to rejoice for no reason despite the defeat of their football team.
The agents, who intervened immediately, they drastically ordered him to stop his action, but he replied to the Policemen that he absolutely would not have done so, addressing the DIGOS staff in these terms: “Those Albanians shouldn't celebrate, they lost and can't celebrate, it's all ours here, the street is ours, now let's make a mess.”
Repeatedly asked to move away and calm down, as well as ordered once again to immediately cease his violent attitude, which constitutes the crime of incitement to commit a crime, the man, not wanting to listen to reason, continued to incite the young "followers" to clash with the Albanian fans. Furthermore, not happy with what he was provoking, he “ordered” his acolytes to prepare to act during the next matches.
Not being able to lead him back to milder advice, and sensing that the situation was now degenerating, The DIGOS men decided to block him, identify it fully and put it in a position to do no harm. Alone after a few minutes, spent in refuse to provide your personal details to the Police, the agitated one desisted from his bellicose intentions and decided to take a more collaborative attitude.
The subject – identified for this SB, 40 year old from Bolzano living in the city – at the end of the Judicial Police activities was reported to the Judicial Authority for the crimes of incitement to commit crimes for reasons of ethnic hatred, for not having complied with a provision of the Authority and for having refused to give information on his personal identity.
In consideration of the seriousness of the behaviors undertaken repeatedly, despite repeated warnings from DIGOS personnel to desist from inciting young people to violence, Commissioner Sartori issued a Daspo against SB (Prohibition of access to sporting events) for a period of 3 years, during which he will now be banned from accessing all places where sporting events take place on national territory, relating to national professional and semi-professional championships, international tournaments, friendly matches as well as in all places involved in the carrying out of training sessions of the teams involved in the aforementioned championships and in the competitions which take place as part of the activities foreseen by the Italian Football Federation and by Italian Ice Sports Federation, or bodies and organizations recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI).
The ban is intended to be extended, on the occasion of each match of the sport indicated in the Provision and for the period between two hours before the start e two hours after the end of each sporting event, also at Railway stations, at motorway toll booths, at airports, at motorway service stations and at all other places involved in the parking, transit or transport of those who participate or attend the same competitions, always for the same period starting from the date of notification of this provision; in case of non-compliance, the violator will be reported to the Judicial Authority.
By places interested in parking, transit and transport we mean all the roads, streets, squares adjacent to the sports facility, within a radius of 500 meters from its external perimeter.
As for the railway stations, motorway toll booths, airports, motorway service stations all other places interested in parking, the transit or transport of those who participate or attend sporting matches, the ban applies to all existing structures on the national territory.
"This was a very serious illicit conduct as instigating violence and clashes when hundreds of people are present in the square can cause serious problems for public order and safety, as well as for the safety of citizens and police personnel. of Police - observes Police Commissioner Sartori -. Exploiting sporting events to incite ethnic hatred is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Hence the severe measures taken against this individual."
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