
Bolzano, he does not accept the end of the relationship and attacks his ex, officers and passengers of a bus. State Police stops and reports 35-year-old stalker

The Police Commissioner, considering the seriousness of what happened, immediately ordered the start of the procedure for the purpose of issuing Special Public Security Surveillance against him.

Bolzano, he does not accept the end of the relationship and attacks his ex, officers and passengers of a bus. State Police stops and reports 35-year-old stalker

On Wednesday afternoon, a call was received at the Police Headquarters Operations Center, via the emergency number “112 NUE”, reporting a violent fight between a man and a woman in Via Roma.

The Patrol of the Flying Squad of the State Police immediately arrived at the reported location and managed to track down the woman, a 31-year-old resident of the city, inside a commercial establishment; thanks to the information provided by the woman, therefore, the man with whom she had had the violent argument shortly before was identified, a 35-year-old with no criminal record also resident in the capital with whom the victim had previously had a relationship.

While the officers were carrying out the identification procedures of the attacker, the latter, having noticed that the woman was about to leave on a bus, sprinted towards the public transport, chased and caught up with the police officers who peremptorily ordered him to get off immediately.

At this point the man began to lose his temper, taking on an aggressive and violent attitude not only towards the victim but also towards the other passengers and the officers, so much so that the latter were forced to use pepper spray to contain his violent action and put him in a position where he could not do any harm.

Bolzano, non si rassegna alla fine della relazione ed aggredisce la ex, agenti e passeggeri di un autobus di linea. Polizia di Stato blocca e denuncia stalker 35enne

Arrested and taken to the Police Headquarters, at the end of the Judicial Police proceedings the violent aggressor was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office for the crime of resisting a Public Official.
The Police Chief of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Paolo Sartori, in consideration of the seriousness of what happened, immediately ordered the initiation of the procedure for the purpose of issuing him with a Special Public Security Surveillance order.

"There are more and more cases in which the Police Forces are called to intervene to deal with situations characterised by obsessive acts of persecution, often resulting in aggressive and violent behaviour, which in themselves represent, among other things, worrying manifestations of cultural problems. – highlighted Commissioner Sartori –. The dynamics of this latest episode of violence and abuse further reinforce the idea of ​​how the critical situations that afflict our society must necessarily be addressed by networking between Institutions, Local Authorities, Anti-Violence Centers and Volunteer Associations. The State Police has always been on the front line, also with specific Projects, in indicating paths of awareness and consciousness of the disvalue of what has been committed, with the aim, also, of helping victims to defend themselves, to ask for help and to report the violence suffered".

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