Bologna: beatings, kicks, slaps and knife threats to his partner

The Carabinieri of the Bologna Mazzini Station have executed an order implementing the personal precautionary measure of the prohibition of approaching the injured party with the obligation not to approach all the places usually frequented by the same, regulated by the application of the electronic bracelet, against a 23-year-old foreigner, already known to the Police, investigated for the crime of mistreatment in the family.

Bologna: beatings, kicks, slaps and knife threats to his partner. Electronic bracelet and prohibition to approach for a 23-year-old.

The Carabinieri of the Bologna Mazzini Station have executed an order implementing the personal precautionary measure of ban on approaching the offended person with the obligation not to approach all the places usually frequented by the same, regulated by the application of the electronic bracelet, against a 23 year old foreigner, already known to the police, investigated for the crime of abuse in the family.

The order was issued by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Bologna, at the request of the Public Prosecutor who coordinated the Carabinieri investigations, following the complaint filed by a 21-year-old Italian woman, who turned to the Carabinieri for report her partner with whom she had a romantic relationship that began in 2020.

The woman, towards the end of last August, had the courage to ask the Carabinieri for help telling them about the threatening and oppressive behaviors, as well as the repeated physical and verbal aggression suffered by man, continue also after the birth of their son.

Most of the time, man, in the grip of sudden outbursts of anger, due to his morbid jealousy, he mistreated the woman even in the presence of her minor son slapping and kicking her, all accompanied by insults and abuse; on one occasion it even got to the point of threaten the woman with a knife.

On several occasions the man prevented the woman from going to work for fear that she might have conversations with male colleagues, up to limit her social interactions with friends or check her cell phone. All this has caused the woman to be in a serious and continuous state of agitation and fear for herself and for their son. The 23-year-old was tracked down by the Carabinieri of via Oretti and subjected to the precautionary measure ordered by the Judge.

Bologna: picchia la compagna con schiaffi e calci, la minaccia con un coltello e limita le sue frequentazioni con amici e parenti. Braccialetto elettronico e divieto di avvicinamento per un 23enne

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