Benevento, rigged public tenders: 11 procedures under investigation, 18 people under investigation
Benevento, all'outcome di complex survey coordinated laid down by the Demand of Republic di Benevento, i Carabinieri of the Core Investigative of the Command Provincial di Benevento have date execution -in province di Benevento, Napoli, Caserta, Avellino e Salerno- ad un'order application di measures precautionary personal, di cui 8 measures of arrests domiciliary e 10 measures interdictive of the prohibition temporary di to bargain with la public administration for 12 months, issued by GIP at il Court di Benevento, su request of the venue Demand of Republic, in comparisons di 18 investigated, public official in post-sales service at la Town \ Province di Benevento, professionals e entrepreneurs, to the state deemed seriously suspects -a various title e in competition between their- of the crimes di corruption agnecktie, upset freedom of enchantments, revelation di secrets d'office ed emission di invoices o others papers for operations inexistent in report ad 11 procedures public funtains di contract announced e/o managed laid down by the Town \ Province di Benevento, Town \ Province di Caserta e Common di Buonalbergo (BN), and of the crime di attempt to undue inducement a give o a promise usefulness, attempt di extortion, upset freedom of the process di choice of the contractor e false ideological. in this comparisons di four investigated è state also willing by GIP, ed performed in date November 24th, il seizure quote, also for equivalent, di somme di money equal a overall 49.500,00 K euro, constituents il price of the crime di corruption till now make certain e di cui si He believes are already stati acquired elements in report alla loro effective . between private individuals corruptors e public official/intermediaries of the public official corrupt.
L'organisers' activities investigactive ha stretch origin From punctual statements di un inengineerFeatures employee of Town \ Province di Benevento, is si brought spontaneously at The Offices of the Command Provincial di Benevento denouncing a instigation to the corruption, consistent of . of a sum di thousand euro in cash guarded in a folder, shop assistant ai his damage da un fellow worker, officer of the Province di Benevento e mayor di un Common of the Benevento: in particolare i two, al time of the Facts complain, emorning respectively president e member of Commission judging of a procedures public di contract, managed laid down by the Town \ Province di Benevento, having ad object la design executive e la direction related works to the new construction di institute school ALL'internal e bordering with l'area school dell'existing I.I.S. A.M. De Liguori di Sant'Agata de' Goti (BN), dall'amount total di euro 204.536,08. Subject of ., according to as è then emerged From organisers' activities, was il fulfillment di atti opposed ai Duties d'office, already committed e da fulfill, for help il raggbreaking temporary di professionals is si was awarded provisionally the procedures. Lo development of the investigations -consist nell'enforcement of informed people on Facts, acquisition di documentation, multiple organisers' activities specifications and investigations banking e capital (su quest'last appearance, with l'help di highly specialised in post-sales service at il Command provincial of GDF di Benevento aggregate to offices of Demand of Republic at il Court di Benevento) allowed progressively di to acquire gravi clues of guilt, in order a numerous episodes, oggetto di provisional dispute, di corruption e upset freedom of enchantments about more e different procurement public, il all added in un picture di systematic deviation by correct carrying out of public ones functions e di prejudice to the free competition between le companies e to the selection of the Best Deals since sector of the procedures ad evidence public. In particolare, by monitoring il officer pupublic sopra quoted, emerged la figure di un profihonest, the owner of a'firm di design with headquarters a Benevento, a he closely bound e with he steadily operative nell'organisers' activities corruptive o di disturbance di import anti procedures public funtains inherent ad procurement di services di engineering e design or di trust di works. La notablele complexity dell'survey è stata determined From diverse mode with cui The investigated have acted, by agreement agreements corruptive o disturbing procedures di race without follow May a single one schedule behavioral: le usefulness promise o delivered are consist in sums di money in cash paid/receipts sia before purchasing, of indication dell'contract is subsequently ALL'aggjudgement, or somme di money stability in percentage respect ALL'amount dell'contract e disguise dall'trust formal di assignments Professional to investigated o da invoices per operations inexistent o also through exchange di favori nell'trust di assignments.
In continue activities they were acquired gravi clues in order ad more episodes corruptive about the following procurement:
- l'trust of the works di improvement, adjustment, mass in security e reconnection between le roads provincial SP. nn. 30, 32, 33, 34 e 45 I lot, procedures public announced by Common di Buonalbergo (BN)
-l'trust di works di reconnection, improvement, retraining e mass in security of s.p. 45 Montefalcone di Val Fortor - s.s. 90 up to, procedures public announced laid down by the Town \ Province di Benevento for un amount a basis d'it overall € € 4.605.325,61
-l'trust of the works of reclamation e mass in security permanent bases dell'ex rubbish dump municipal di Buonalbergo -resort Cerretus di 1.591.827,75 €, managed by common di Buonalbergo;
-l'trust di works di restoration of the features e mass in security di whether of the SP. 45-48 49-50 for un amount di overall euro 535.363,86, managed laid down by the Town \ Province di Benevento
In course of the investigations, also, conversations intercepted they allowed di carry out further investment investigationsinegative su more races, e in particular those about to the maintenance of institutes school in cui Station contracting è la Town \ Province di Benevento. On the numerous races oggetto di interest da part degli investigated, si è considered is for a di that -ed in particular for la maintenance dell'institute Livatino di Circello (BN), dall'amount di euro 998.000,00- is stata raggjoint la severity circumstantial di two distinct disturbances with il involvement of the top politician of Town \ Province is case indicazioni on firm is where you go agjudge yourself la race No can immense report yourself is in alcune of the conversations, moreover, some investigated -talking between di their o with third people- they did All espresso brewing methods reference ad un system that before purchasing, saw la "part technique" to prevail in favoring le companies protected, for friendship o for donations di somme di money, e that now attitude walking in crisis for le Required Knowledge of "part policy" di to count. Complaining i responsibilities authors of "partition" di a unfair e asymmetric division -between i "runners" e la part "policy"- of the nine procedures about la maintenance of the schools, al point is emerged
l'hypothesis is le procedures administrative of the races would could also have of the slowdowns se immense were state found un point di balance in data management; illicit of assignments. In course dell'organisers' activities investigative they were also acquired elements di circumstantial gravity in report to the disturbance d'it di two races di contract concerning la design di works for la reduction of the risk plumber e hydro-geological on streams named Capuan e Ratello di Guard Sanframondi, managed including Station unique contracting laid down by the Province of Benevento. Il tenor of the conversations captured, da cui si he inferred l'interest to the data management; illicit of procurement in course di carrying out, found confirmation -according to l'hypothesis accusatory accepted by GIP- in successive complaints of un ex Ruling of Town \ Province di Benevento e dell'native to whistleblower. In particolare l'ex leader, went spontaneously in Demand, he reported di aver received reiterate pressures da part of the president of province di Benevento per cui he worked, in un time in cui he aspired ad a reconfirm, in order di post -since more brief time possible e without publication in gaszetta official- a procedures to comparative for l'appointment temporary ex Article. 110 TUEL di Ruling dell'Technical area al maintenance then di select un nominative predetermined. L'event's audience however immense si he realized for il I decline opposite to by whistleblower. these reasons they contested provisionally, in comparisons of the president of province di Benevento -public official, author of the conducted sopra described- i crimes di attempt of induction a give o promise usefulness e upset freedom of enchantments. E' appropriate specify is il Ruling dell'Reserved Technology è components di right, as President, in all le commissions judges di procurement public announced e managed dall'area technique dell'being local. such reason si è considered is la conduct reported si inserted consistently since picture di conducted deviate is they were already in course di assessment for more e diverse procedures. Finally, are static disputed al quoted Ruling, then appointed, in post-sales service at la Town \ Province di Benevento i crime di false ideological, di upset freedom of enchantments e di attempt di extortion in order a two diverse races d'contract. In before purchasing, he attested contrary to the truth is si made necessary entrust il predicted appointment a professionalism external ALL'administration in considerazione of the load di work of the employees in post-sales service ALL'internal dell'being, and in reality was aware is un officer of Town \ Province di Benevento, a following di ruling internal, had manifested la yours availability a perform la direction of the works, working hard also for far to deny il nothing osta a such employee: in such permitted manner l'trust di un service – is moreover it was agjudged to the same company di professionals involved nell'episode corruptive having ad oggetto la race public announced laid down by the Procedure di Caserta- is si would could carry out with lower disbursement di money public for la public administration. Da last, with reference ad other race, il predicted Ruling he meant to impose ad un employee dell'Duck responsible to the race la indication di 5 companies da he chosen without any criterion di transparency e rotation, is would due be invited e between le quali vi would stata l'successful bidder of procedures delivering to the same un leaflet manuscript e then un sheet typescript bearing l'indication of companies. L'event's audience however you do not he realized, for il I decline of the employee.
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