Belluno, food transport checks; 6.000 euros in administrative sanctions for failure to comply with hygiene standards
Belluno, 5 irregular transports were detected
Belluno, the checks carried out along the provincial road axes by the Belluno Traffic Police Section have made it possible in recent months to intercept a series of food transports that do not comply with the relevant legislation.
The investigation activities carried out by the patrols of the Feltre Traffic Police Detachment, carried out in collaboration with the veterinary doctor of the ULSS Dolomiti, made it possible to detect as many as five irregular transports.
The last investigation in chronological order was carried out on Thursday 6 May on the SP1 in the Limana area, and made it possible to intercept and sanction a transport of frozen meat, eggs and fresh dairy products, which were placed on the vehicle in an excessively promiscuous manner, such as to compromise the minimum general hygiene requirements established by law.
Similar investigations had already been carried out last April, during which other food transports were stopped and sanctioned with various irregularities found from a health and hygiene point of view.
In particular, in one of them, intercepted on the SS 50 state road on the border with the neighboring province of Trento, the poor arrangement of fresh meat was contested, which not only appeared to be in contact with the walls of the isothermal cell, but from which it also percolated of the liquid dripping onto the cartons placed on the floor, which in turn contained meat.
In the other case, in the Alano di Piave area, a vehicle was stopped without adequate maintenance and sanitation, with mold and sedimented dirt detected by the patrol that intervened, as well as a temperature that was not adequate for the conservation of the transported goods (in this specific case frozen offal).
On yet another occasion, on the SP1 in Borgo Valbelluna, a transport of dairy products and derivatives had been stopped and sanctioned which had been placed on the vehicle in such a way as to create a risk of contamination of the product.
Following the investigations carried out, administrative sanctions were imposed for a total amount of 6.000 euros.
The traffic police checks will continue unabated, in order to ensure that the transport of food always takes place in compliance with the regulatory requirements, aimed at protecting and guaranteeing public health.
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