Bagnara Calabra, 16-year-old victim of sexual violence. 49-year-old arrested in flagrante by the Carabinieri
A prompt and resolute operation by the Carabinieri of the Bagnara Calabra station led to the arrest in flagrante of a 49-year-old local man, accused of sexual violence against a 16-year-old girl
Bagnara Calabra (Reggio Calabria), 16-year-old victim of sexual violence. 49-year-old arrested in flagrante by the Carabinieri
A prompt and resolute operation by the Carabinieri of the Bagnara Calabra Station led to the arrest in flagrante of a 49-year-old local man, accused of sexual assault against a 16-year-old girl.
The episode occurred around 8:30 on a normal morning, along Viale delle Rimembranze, one of the main streets of the town, mostly frequented during school hours. The young woman, walking to school, was approached by the man who, holding her against her will, performed sexual acts on her.
Crucial was the presence on site of a Carabinieri patrol, which, engaged in a routine check of the territory, noticed what was happening, helping the girl who had managed to free herself in the meantime and blocking the man, thus preventing him from continuing with his actions.
The victim, visibly shaken, was accompanied by the Carabinieri to the barracks, where, together with her mother, she filed a formal complaint against her attacker.. In the meantime, the arrested man was transferred to the Reggio Calabria District Prison by order of the Judicial Authority, which has initiated proceedings to shed full light on the incident.
The investigation will continue to ascertain any previous similar behavior by the man and to verify whether there may be other victims.
This episode highlights the importance of the constant and widespread presence of law enforcement on the territory. The timely intervention of the Carabinieri not only allowed to block a serious assault, but also offered an immediate response to protect the victim.
The Carabinieri reiterate their invitation to citizens to actively collaborate, reporting without hesitation any anomalous situations or suspicious behavior. Collaboration between law enforcement and the community represents a fundamental pillar in the fight against all forms of violence.
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