Avellino, robbery, kidnapping and personal injuries: four people arrested
Thanks to the operation of the Carabinieri of Avellino with the support of their colleagues from Naples and Caserta, they defeated the gang of robbers. Four people were arrested, one of whom was arrested in Spain. Responsible for having committed a series of robberies at two homes in Atripalda and one in Grottaminarda, in both cases of robberies, the victims were immobilized and tied at the wrists and ankles, threatened with death and beaten to get money and precious jewelry.
Avellino, robbery, kidnapping and personal injuries: four people arrested
This morning, following complex investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Benevento, in Naples and in the province of Caserta, the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command from Avellino, assisted by those of the territorially competent departments, they executed the precautionary custody order iin prison issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Benevento, at the request of the local prosecutor, against three subjects , two foreigners and one Italian , seriously suspected of crimes of robbery and aggravated attempted robbery, personal injury and kidnapping in conspiracy. Contextually a European arrest warrant was executed issued by the same Judicial Authority against a fourth person, a foreigner, currently detained in Spain , drawn from serious indications of guilt in relation to the same crimes.
The precautionary measure it is the result of a complex investigative activityand coordinated by the Benevento Prosecutor's Office and executed by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Avellino concerning two violent home robberies with kidnapping and an attempted robbery, committed in Atripalda (Avellino) and grottaminarda (Avellino) in June 2023.
The investigative activity was conducted through analysis massive of images taken by public and private video surveillance systems, telematic and telephone flows, telephone and environmental interceptions, as well as with the contribution from the Carabinieri Department Scientific Investigations of Rome for the aspects of dactyloscopic comparison.
Serious indications of guilt were thus gathered against the four subjects reached by the precautionary operation, in relation to one robbery with kidnapping and injuries and an attempted robbery with injuries which occurred in two homes in Atripalda and to a robbery with kidnapping and injuries occurred in a house in Grottaminarda after a few days. In both cases of consummated robbery, le victims were immobilized and tied at the wrists and ankles, threatened with death e beatings with weapons in order to obtain cash, gold and precious jewellery; during the criminal episode that occurred in Grottaminarda, numerous bank effects worth a large amount of money were also stolen from the offended people, subsequently partially seized throughout the national territory at the time of collection.
As part of the activity carried out, a role The international cooperation of police forces with Serbia and Spain was significant, Which has allowed to collect preparatory elements for the issuing of the European Arrest Warrant.
Contextually upon issuing the precautionary measure, the GIP at the Court of Benevento declared his incompetence for the territory in favor of the Judicial Authority of Avellino, to which this office will urgently send the documents for the determinations of competence.
Il the measure carried out today is a precautionary measure ordered during preliminary investigations, against which appeals are permitted recipients of the same are people subjected to investigations and therefore presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.
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