Asti, attempted murder, drug dealing and possession of weapons: 13 precautionary measures issued

On Friday, an operation by the Carabinieri between Piedmont, Liguria and Puglia carried out 13 precautionary measures for the crimes of attempted murder, possession and dealing of narcotics, possession and illegal carrying of firearms. Furthermore, the investigation by the Carabinieri confirmed the existence of two criminal gangs.

Asti, attempted murder, drug dealing and possession of weapons: 13 precautionary measures issued

On Friday, July 5th, in the provinces of Asti, Turin, Alessandria, Bari, Imperia and Savona, staff of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command Carabinieri of Asti, supported by the territorially competent Commands, has implemented two separate Orders applying precautionary measures issued by the local GIP Office against a total of 13 subjects (11 men and 2 women), 5 recipients of pre-trial detention in prison and the remainder to alternative measures.

The two restrictive measures, closely related to each other, arise from the structured investigations carried out starting from July 2022 under the direction of the local Public Prosecutor's Office against various criminals notoriously inserted into criminal environments citizens and involved, for various reasons, in serious criminal events that occurred in the capital: il July 15th, 2022, in via Pasolini, some shots were fired at of the home of a 35-year-old Asti and the The following September 22, a brutal attack occurred against a person (also a recipient of this measure), subsequently admitted to hospital in serious conditions in Asti. For both episodes the crime of attempted murder is contested.

The complex and prolonged investigations have allowed us to gather a solid evidentiary framework towards the suspects, against whom are contested, for various reasons, the crimes of attempted murder, possession and dealing of narcotic substances, possession and illegal possession of firearms.

The current conflict between two criminal groups operating in the city was also highlighted, already object of investigative analysis in the “Mare Magnum” investigation, culminating with the execution of 13 precautionary measures on 7 July 2023.

During the investigation, in order to identify the criminal conduct that is the subject of dispute, a 22LR caliber semi-automatic pistol complete with magazine and 95 bullets were seized proceeds of home burglary, two parallel barrel rifles cal. 16, un modified rifle with severed parallel barrels cal. 12 and various ammunition, as well as overall 210 gr. of hashish, 120 gr. of cocaine e 535 gr. of heroin and material for cutting, packaging and weighing narcotic substances.

It is necessary to point out that those arrested are currently seriously suspected of the crimes complained of, their position will be examined by the Judicial Authority during the subsequent procedural phases and defined only following the issuing of a final conviction, in compliance with the constitutional principle of the presumption of innocence.

Asti, tentato omicidio, spaccio e detenzione di armi: emesse 13 misure cautelari


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