Agrigento, assets confiscated from heirs of a well-known entrepreneur

He had been convicted of bankruptcy fraud

Agrigento, assets confiscated from heirs of a well-known entrepreneur.

He had been convicted of bankruptcy fraud

Last August 23, the Anti-Crime Police Division of the Agrigento Police Headquarters and the Economic-Financial Police Unit of the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza have executed the decree with which the Court of Agrigento ordered the measure to prevent patrimonial confiscation against Burgio Giuseppe (deceased in 2021), and his heirs. 

It is 5 properties, with a total value of 8,2 million euros (in Agrigento, Porto Empedocle, Palermo and Gela), of 14 car and 11 banking/insurance relationships.

The same decree also ordered and carried out the seizure and confiscation of 2 warehouses in the Municipality of Realmonte, with a total value of 50mila euros. 

Burgio Giuseppe was a well-known entrepreneur in the field of large-scale food distribution in the province of Agrigento and surrounding areas. In the news in 2016, when He was arrested by the Guardia di Finanza of Agrigento as part of the "Discount" operation, because he is seriously suspected of the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy and other related crimes, for which then, in May 2018, was condemned, with sentence of the Court of Agrigento, to 8 years of imprisonment.

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