Como: Woman found buying drugs ordered on Instagram, 34-year-old Olgiatese reported

The woman said she had gone in her car to pick up the drugs that her husband had previously requested from the supplier via Instagram messaging.

Como: Woman found buying drugs ordered on Instagram, 34-year-old Olgiatese reported

The State Police, on the morning of October 23, has reported while at liberty for dealing of narcotic substances, a 34 year old from Olgiate resident in Como, with police history for crimes of the same nature.

Around midday on October 23, a patrol car, during its daily territorial control, passing through via Turati in Como, noticed a strange movement between a man on foot and the occupant of a large red SUV stopped on the side of the road. The officers immediately realized that the action was indeed a drug exchange because it was too sudden and occurred from the passenger side window of the car, deciding to intervene and check on the people present.

Within a few moments the police reconstructed what had happened and identified the people present. In fact, on board the car there was a 38 year old from Como to which the officers found approximately 20 grams of hashish which he had hidden under the shirt he was wearing and on the sidewalk instead, the 34 year old from Olgiate who had come down from a nearby building to carry out the delivery of the narcotic.

Given the situation, the police officers called in a canine unit from the Guardia di Finanza to carry out a search search of the man's apartment, that did not return any feedback.

Once at the police station, the woman declared that she had gone in her car to collect the drugs that the husband had shortly before requested from the supplier via Instagram messaging.

During the shift on October 23, the patrol cars proceeded to seize additional 2 and a half grams of hashish at the expense of a 19 year old Tunisian, during a check on a group of kids that took place in a small square in the Albate district, the man, who had regular residence documents, was administratively sanctioned for drug possession.

Como: donna trovata a comprare la droga ordinata su Instagram, denunciato un olgiatese di 34 anni

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