Fugitive Bonalumi arrested in Rome, he was one of the most dangerous wanted. Piantedosi: “State present against crime and illegality”.

A strong message against organized crime

Fugitive Bonalumi arrested in Rome, he was one of the most dangerous wanted. Piantedosi: “State present against crime and illegality”.

Fugitive Olinto Bonalumi Arrested in Rome: He Must Serve Over 13 Years in Prison

Late this afternoon, the State Police arrested Olinto Bonalumi, born in 1959, a fugitive since 2021 and included in the list of dangerous fugitives of the Ministry of the Interior since 2022. The arrest took place in Rome, in Viale Europa (Eur area), at the end of a complex investigative operation coordinated by the Bari District Attorney's Office and conducted by the Flying Squad of Foggia and Rome, with the support of the SCO (Central Operations Service) and the SISCO of Bari and Rome.

Bonalumi's Crimes: A High-Profile Criminal Curriculum

Olinto Bonalumi must serve a total sentence of 13 years, 4 months and 11 days of imprisonment for a long series of serious crimes, including extortion, unauthorized access to computer systems, fraudulent interception of conversations, theft and robbery. In the past, Bonalumi was the protagonist of numerous crimes against property, including spectacular thefts from the vaults of security institutes. Furthermore, according to the authorities, the fugitive has maintained significant ties with the “Società Foggiana”, one of the main mafia organizations operating in the Foggia area.

The operations that led to the capture

In recent days, the search for the fugitive had intensified in the capital. Thanks to the investigative work conducted by the men of the SISCO of Bari and the Flying Squad of Foggia, in collaboration with the operational units of Rome, Bonalumi was identified and blocked in Rome, in a central area of ​​the EUR. The operation, conducted with extreme precision, represented an important victory for the police forces engaged in the fight against organized crime.

The satisfaction of the Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, expressed his praise to the Chief of Police, Vittorio Pisani, and to all the forces of law and order involved in the arrest. "The results obtained demonstrate the effectiveness of the work and the patient and incessant commitment of those who operate to guarantee the security of our country. It is a strong and clear signal: the State is present wherever there is crime and illegality to be fought", declared Piantedosi.

The minister also underlined the importance of operations like this to reaffirm the State's control over the territory and to resolutely fight mafia infiltration. "My thanks go to all the women and men of the police force for the professionalism and sense of duty demonstrated," he concluded.

A strong message against organized crime

The arrest of Olinto Bonalumi represents a severe blow to organized crime and a concrete sign of the State's commitment to the fight against the mafia and illegality. Operations of this caliber confirm the ability of Italian law enforcement to pursue the most dangerous fugitives and to guarantee the safety of citizens, despite the challenges posed by criminal organizations.

With this operation, a significant chapter in Bonalumi's long escape is closed, but attention remains high to combat the phenomena of illegality linked to the mafia and crimes against property.

latitante Olinto Bonalumi

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