Arezzo, attack on the Montana family, baby drug dealing gang
9 precautionary measures carried out
Arezzo, attack on the Montana family, baby drug dealing gang
The State Police together with the Municipal Police of Arezzo and with the help of crews from the Crime Prevention Department, is carrying out 9 precautionary measures (6 custody in prison and 3 community placements) issued by the Juvenile Court of Florence at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office.
The investigations, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Florence and conducted by the Flying Squad of the Arezzo Police Headquarters and the Investigative Unit of the Municipal Police, have made it possible to reconstruct the responsibilities of 9 minors, all resident in Arezzo and aged between 16 and 17 years old, in relation to violent episodes such as robberies, assaults for trivial reasons, aggravated threats, sometimes committed with the use of improper weapons (knives, brass knuckles, bottlenecks) which occurred between 2021 and 2022.
The GIP order also confirmed the investigative hypothesis which frames the baby gang under investigation as a real criminal association characterized by well-defined hierarchical positions and with the possibility of making a career within it. This association proved to be extremely cohesive internally, so much so that it was known as the "Montana family", name that derives from the nickname "Montana" that some of the associates use on social media with clear reference to the film character Tony Montana from the film Scarface.
The violence
The criminal association also highlighted a precise organization in carrying out the violent actions which always took place with the same modus operandi: the victim, often alone and a minor, was usually approached with a pretext and then suddenly found himself surrounded by the gang who violently took possession of mobile phones , headphones or wallet.
In violent actions each member covered a specific role: there were those who attracted the victim with a pretext, those who physically attacked him, while the others acted as a "post" to warn of the possible presence of the police forces.
Sometimes the attacks arose for futile reasons even without the desire to take possession of something, but for the sole purpose of giving vent to violence or simply to assert the territorial supremacy of the baby gang in some parts of the historic city center with particular reference to the Piazza area. Saint Augustine. In fact, some attacks were carried out due to a "wrong" look or just because the group did not "like" the presence of a boy in Piazza Sant'Agostino, cited several times in posts spread on social media as their "fucking square".
Drug dealing and social activity
The analyzes of the seized phones also provided confirmation to the investigators regarding the group's drug dealing activity, already ascertained by the numerous observation services carried out; from viewing some chats it even emerged that a real punitive expedition had been organized towards a homeless man with a dog who had annoyed the baby gang in Piazza Sant'Agostino, confirming an extremely violent propensity of the group ready to take revenge in a cohesive and compacts the affront suffered by one of his associates.
The analysis of the baby gang's activity on social media is also extremely significant, with the publication of posts in which they portray themselves misrepresented, dressed in black, with weapons and with the inevitable wording 52100 (Arezzo Postal Code) to indicate the territory of relevance of the band.
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