Anti-Terrorism Operation in Italy: Jihadist Cell “Da'wa Italia” Dismantled
An investigation reveals a jihadist network active in Italy, involving radicalized youth and online propaganda plans.
Anti-Terrorism Operation in Italy: Jihadist Cell “Da'wa Italia” Dismantled.
The Public Prosecutor's Office of Bologna - Anti-Terrorism Department, in collaboration with the Special Operations Group (ROS) of the Carabinieri, has completed an important anti-terrorism operation. The investigation, which culminated in the execution of a personal precautionary measure against five young people of foreign origin, involved the provinces of Bologna, Milano, Perugia and Udine. Four of these are accused of having formed a terrorist association of Salafi-jihadist origin, known as “Da'wa Italia”, aimed at promoting, consolidating and supporting the international terrorist groups “Al Qaeda” and “Islamic State”.
A complex and multifaceted terrorist plan
The organization's main objectives were jihadist propaganda and the recruitment of new followers. According to investigators, the suspects were ready to move to the territories controlled by jihadist militias in Africa and Syria. One of the members had already left Italy to reach the Horn of Africa, before the precautionary measures were adopted.
A fifth young man, brother of the main suspect, is accused of being in the process of radicalization under the influence of his sister. He is alleged to have been trained with the aim of possible enlistment in jihadist organizations.
The origins of the investigation
The investigation was launched in September 2023, coordinated by the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor's Office, and focused on monitoring radical jihadist networks, in particular the dissemination of propaganda content via the internet. The web is confirmed as a powerful tool for radicalization, capable of attracting young people, often second-generation or Italians in search of an identity, fascinated by global jihadist rhetoric.
The role of the main suspects
The investigations have highlighted the central role of a young Pakistani woman who grew up in Bologna, described as very active in proselytism. Thanks to her influence, she would have involved another young woman of Algerian origin living in Spoleto, forming together the group “Da'wa”, an Arabic term that means “call” and represents an invocation to embrace the “right” version of Islam. This initial nucleus then expanded, including other individuals, including a young man who grew up in Milano, believed to be part of the jihadist militias in the Horn of Africa, and a citizen of Turkish origin residing between Gorizia and Udine.
Youth and radicalization: a worrying phenomenon
The investigation revealed one of the distinctive features of global jihadism: the increasingly frequent involvement of young people, sometimes minors, attracted by online propaganda. These young people quickly become instruments for spreading the jihadist message and represent an unpredictable threat to security, often being ready to take action. The COVID-19 pandemic, with the social isolation it has entailed, has amplified the phenomenon, favoring accelerated radicalization processes through the use of the internet.
Evolution of International Intentions and Threats
During the investigations, investigators observed a worrying development: the suspects were not limited to propaganda but were actively seeking new followers, also involving the younger brother of the main suspect. Furthermore, they were in contact with international circles and were planning to reach territories controlled by jihadist militias.
This operation represents an example of the effectiveness of coordination between Italian and international investigative forces in the fight against terrorism. However, the phenomenon of radicalization, especially among young people, requires constant attention and preventive strategies, aimed at countering online propaganda and promoting paths of social inclusion and integration. The story of “Da'wa Italia” highlights the importance of careful surveillance to prevent the consolidation of new terrorist threats on the national territory.
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