
Anti-mafia operation between Catania and Ragusa: 16 precautionary measures issued

16 suspects operating between Catania and Ragusa are accused of mafia-type criminal association, external competition in mafia association, attempted murder and illicit competition with threats or violence.

Anti-mafia operation between Catania and Ragusa: 16 precautionary measures issued

Since the early hours of this morning, the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of the Provincial Command of Ragusa and GICO financiers (Organized Crime Investigation Group) of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of Catania they are executing an order issued by the GIP at the Court of Catania, upon compliant request of the Etna Anti-Mafia District Attorney's Office, of application of a precautionary measure in prison against 16 people under investigation for mafia-type criminal association, external competition in mafia association, attempted murder, illicit competition with threat or violence, operating between the provinces of Ragusa and Catania.

The details were made known during a press conference held at 10 am today at the premises of the Catania Court in via XX Settembre, n. 51, Catania.

Operazione antimafia tra Catania e Ragusa: emesse 16 misure cautelari

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