Ancona, investigation into fake Green Passes: how the nurse who faked vaccines in exchange for money acted

According to what emerged from the investigators' activities, a nurse in charge of vaccinations at the "Paolinelli" HUB in Ancona acted with the complicity of individuals who operated as intermediaries

Today the State Police of Ancona executed fifty orders of personal precautionary measures, issued by the Judge for preliminary investigations of the Court of Ancona, in relation to the ongoing crimes of corruption, false ideology and embezzlement, committed jointly by as many suspects, involved in numerous corruption events, aimed at the undue issuance of the "anti-SARS-CoV-2 green certification".

Precautionary detention in prison was applied to a professional nurse, responsible for administering anti-Covid-19 vaccines at the main vaccination center in the capital of the Marche region, and house arrest was imposed on four subjects, believed to be intermediaries in the facts. corruption and the corresponding crimes of embezzlement and false ideology.

The recipients of forty-five measures, with which the precautionary measure of the obligation to reside in the municipality of residence or current residence and the obligation to report daily to the judicial police was applied, are as many subjects from various parts of the national territory who have voluntarily subjected to the fictitious inoculation of anti-Covid-19 vaccines, after the illicit payment of sums of money, against which the crimes of corruption, embezzlement and false ideology are also alleged.

Furthermore, twenty-four personal and local searches were carried out and the preventive seizure of the profits from the contested crimes was ordered, up to the amount of 18.000 euros.

The detailed investigative activities, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ancona and conducted by the Ancona Flying Squad, were started at the beginning of December 2021 and led (during the course of the investigations) to the issuing of a total of fifty certificate seizure orders in digital format, issued by the "National digital green certificate platform" of the Ministry of Health, without the conditions set out in the art. 9 paragraph 2 letter A of Legislative Decree 22.4.2021 nr. 52.

According to what emerged from the investigators' activities, the aforementioned nurse, in charge of vaccinations at the COVID 19 Vaccine HUB, established at the "Paolinelli" sports hall in Ancona, taking advantage of the state of emergency (due to the Covid-19 pandemic and to the numerous requests from private individuals aimed at quickly obtaining the so-called Green Pass, to deal with the limitations otherwise imposed by current legislation), acted with the complicity of subjects who operated as intermediaries in the interest of the people to be fictitiously vaccinated .

Subject to the payment of sums of money, the main suspect simulated, in a number of confirmed episodes, the inoculation of the COVID 19 vaccine serum to the aforementioned people, in order to have them obtain the vaccination document, intended for subsequent inclusion in the national DGC platform of the Ministry of Health.

The evidentiary compendium consists of wiretapping activities, observation services and video recordings carried out in the vaccination centre.

From what was reconstructed thanks to the images of the video surveillance system, the professional nurse acted with the same operational method: instead of inoculating the vaccine serum to the patients - in whose favor certificates were subsequently issued falsely certifying the practice of vaccination - he made it unusable, dispersing it in the waste bin and inside the CD container. agobox.

In this way, a fundamental public resource was wasted, such as the vaccine serum entrusted to it for service reasons, distracted from its proper destination, with risks of compromising the effectiveness of the action of the National Health System, aimed at containing the effects of the spread of the COVID 19 virus.

With reference to the intermediary subjects, it emerged that they (capable of disseminating, in their respective fields of work and knowledge, the possibilities offered, for compensation, by the aforementioned nurse), had become points of reference for a plurality of people interested in obtaining the "anti-SARS-CoV-2 green certification" without undergoing vaccination, some of them receiving, by way of mediation, a part of the amount paid by the corrupting non-vaccinated subjects, and acting as an indispensable intermediary with the nurse who , in most cases, did not have direct knowledge of the subjects against whom the simulated vaccination would be carried out.

Investigative activities coordinated by the Doric Prosecutor's Office are still underway to ascertain the extent of the illicit phenomenon, its beginning and the number of interested parties.

The investigations, however, have not demonstrated to the state the involvement of doctors or other professionals working at the vaccination center and the responsible officials.

The precautionary measures issued relate to the preliminary investigation phase and the definitive ascertainment of responsibilities remains unaffected.

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