Andria: “Raptor” investigation: 6 people arrested under investigation for criminal association, robbery, theft and money laundering
According to the accusatory approach accepted by the investigating judge, without prejudice to the assessment in the subsequent trial phases also conducted in light of the contribution of the defense, the defendants, all from Andria, would have formed a criminal association with the availability of weapons and instruments suitable for inhibiting telephone and telematic communications.
Andria: “Raptor” investigation, 6 individuals arrested under investigation for criminal association, robbery, theft and money laundering.
50 Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Barletta-Andria-Trani supported by personnel of the 6th Helicopter Nucleus, the Puglia Hunters Helicopter Squadron and the Modugno Dog Unit have executed, in Andria, the precautionary custody order issued by the GIP of the Court of Trani at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office, in which serious evidence of guilt is recognized in the proceedings against 6 people investigated for criminal association as well as, in various capacities, for robbery, theft and money laundering and of which 4 were transferred to prison and 2 were placed under house arrest.
The precautionary measure is the result of an activity of investigation conventionally called “Raptor”, conducted from December 2023 to March 2024 by the Investigative Unit of the Operational Department of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Barletta Andria Trani, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Trani, aimed at combating predatory crimes.
According to the accusatory approach accepted by the investigating judge, without prejudice to the evaluation in the subsequent trial phases also conducted in light of the contribution of the defence, the defendants, all from Andria, they would have formed a criminal association with the availability of weapons and suitable tools to inhibit telephone and telematic communications, rooted in the town of Frederick and aimed at creating a indefinite series of crimes against property within the province, as well as in Matera and San Benedetto del Tronto, involving goods of considerable value, such as construction machinery, crawler vehicles, road tractors and trailers.
The investigations, supported by technical activities of telephone and environmental interception, acquisition of telephone and telematic traffic data, Video recording and vehicle monitoring as well as ordinary judicial police activities such as dynamic services and observation, control and shadowing has allowed us to document the existence and operation of the criminal association; decipher the peculiar cryptic language adopted by the associates in their conversations, which took place through dedicated telephone networks, or, in conjunction with the commission of the criminal actions and preliminary inspections, through portable radios (“scatt sciann” to indicate the firearm, “toc toc” for telephones, “chiacchiaraul” for transceivers, “cornut” for frequency inhibitors, “maciste” for the road tractor while “la gatta” was the fast car used to carry out the criminal actions); gather elements in relation to responsibilities, in various capacities, of the aforementioned with regard to 1 robbery to the detriment of a transport company which took place in Andria, during which, after having entered the company's headquarters and threatened the custodian, they had stolen money; 3 thefts, which took place respectively in Matera, Trani and San Benedetto del Tronto; 1 attempted theft which took place in Trani of heavy vehicles and operating machines with an overall estimated value of approximately 400 thousand euros, all subsequently recovered by military personnel of the Arma and returned to the rightful owners; as well as the recycling of a road tractor of criminal origin.
The result achieved is the outcome of the constant action of prevention and repression of predatory crimes carried out by the military of the Arma, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Trani.
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