Ancona, three boys sanctioned for going out after curfew after an argument with the waiter of the place where they had dinner

Ancona, last night shortly after midnight a "Volanti" patrol was sent to Portonovo where a quarrel between some boys had been reported,

Once the police arrived on site, they found three boys who were laughing together in a parking lot, and told them that they had had an argument with a waiter at a restaurant where they had been for dinner; the discussion had started from the fact that the waiter had addressed a friend of the boys who was having dinner with them.

And as we know, one word leads to another and tempers begin to heat up, luckily they immediately calm down.

All resolved with the presence of the Policemen who, after having identified the boys and heard the waiter's version, raised the fine for not having respected the anti-Covid rule and having stayed beyond the scheduled time.

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