Ancona, “Shaman” operation: illegal possession of 253 psychotropic plants and cacti, one arrest
Ancona, yesterday the soldiers of the CITES Carabinieri Group of Rome - Operations Department, together with the soldiers of the CITES Carabinieri Units of Fermo and Ancona and of the CC Forestry Stations of Fermo and Ancona they arrested a 42-year-old man, resident in San Benedetto del Tronto for possession and cultivation of plants considered narcotic substances by national legislation.
The soldiers who entered the subject's home, following a search delegated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ascoli Piceno, were able to note the possession of 253 plants belonging to the Lophophora (Peyote) genus, cacti that grow in the desert areas of Mexico, famous for their their psychotropic abilities due to the content of mascaline, a psychedelic alkaloid used in shamanic rites by Native Americans, then very widespread in the 70s.
The plants, hidden in a greenhouse near the subject's home, were all seized by the Forestry Carabinieri who during the searches also found another 53 specimens of endangered cacti, protected by the Washington Convention (CITES), held illegally by the subject without any documentation regarding the regular origin. The subject was also accused of committing an offense under CITES legislation punishable by up to €200.000 fine or 1 year of arrest.
For the recognition of plants protected by CITES, the military availed itself of the advice of one of the leading experts on cacti and succulent plants in Italy.
Furthermore, 4 terrestrial tortoises were seized, also without documentation certifying their regular detention.
Investigative activities are underway to ascertain the amount of trafficking carried out by the arrested person, who was initially placed under house arrest on the orders of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ascoli Piceno. The arrest was validated by the GIP of Ascoli Piceno who, after the interrogation and in relation to the arrested person's lack of criminal record, decided to release him.
The suspect risks serious penalties established by Presidential Decree 309/1990 Consolidated law on the regulation of narcotics and psychotropic substances, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of related states of drug addiction ranging from imprisonment from six to twenty years to a fine of 26.000 to 260.000 euros.
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