Ancona, investigation into fake Green Passes: 50 people involved, vaccine nurse in prison
Ancona, the State Police has been carrying out operations in numerous provinces since the early hours of the morning 50 precautionary custody orders for crimes related to the undue issuance of the Green Pass.
The detailed investigative activity, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ancona, and conducted by the Policemen of the Flying Squad of the Ancona Police Headquarters has led to the issuing of 50 precautionary measures in relation to the continuing crimes of corruption, false ideology and embezzlement committed in collaboration with as many suspects, involved in numerous corruption events, aimed at the undue issuing of Green Passes.
Precautionary detention in prison was applied to a professional nurse in charge of vaccinations at a vaccination center in Ancona and the measure of house arrest was applied to four subjects considered intermediaries in corrupt facts and in the undue release of the Green pass. Forty-five subjects were subject to the precautionary measure of the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence and the obligation to report daily to the judicial police"
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