Ancona, "Bar Lisa" closed: it's the second time in less than two years

Ancona, this morning Agents of the Administrative Police Team and the Police Headquarters notified a closure order, pursuant to art. 100 TULPS, to the owner (47 year old WC) of the "Lisa" bar, located near the railway station.
This is the second closure order that the place in question has undergone in less than two years: the first suspension, for ten days, was issued by the Police Headquarters of Ancona in December 2019.
The closure was imposed following the arrest, carried out last September 17th by personnel of the local Flying Squad, of an illegal foreigner, with a criminal conviction, responsible for the serious crimes of drug dealing (for having sold cocaine and heroin to two young buyers, drug addicts) and resisting a public official (for resisting arrest).
The investigations have in fact made it possible to ascertain how the arrested man was dealing heroin and cocaine, arranging meetings at the aforementioned business with numerous drug addicts who also came from outside the city. It was also verified that the sales of narcotic substances (and the related payment made by the drug buyers) took place right on the tables outside the bar, while the doses were hidden and taken from among the plants present inside a platform there. present, near the tables and chairs used for customer refreshment.
The same business, on several occasions, has also been found to be a regular meeting point for drug addicts and convicted criminals who, often drunk and troublesome, start fights and create discomfort in the neighbourhood, creating dangerous situations both for the traders/artisans present in the area, both for the people living there including women and children. ;
In light of the reports acquired, the Police Commissioner of Ancona, believing that especially following the most recent events that have occurred, the place continues to be a source of disturbance to public order and safety, as well as to the peaceful coexistence of people, has therefore ordered closing for fifteen days.
Staff from the Administrative and Security Team of the Police Headquarters therefore placed the closed sign at the entrance to the bar, as required by current legislation.

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