Alcamo: infallible nose of the anti-drug German shepherd "Ulla". Convict arrested with hashish and cocaine ready for dealing

Approximately 60 grams of hashish and 16 grams of cocaine were found

Alcamo: infallible nose of the anti-drug German shepherd "Ulla". Convict arrested with hashish and cocaine ready for dealing.

New coup carried out by the investigators of the Alcamo police station who, as part of planned control activities in the area and to combat drug trafficking in the vicinity of the Easter holidays, found, assisted by an anti-drug dog unit, a large quantity of narcotic substance of the type hashish e cocaine a good part of which is already divided into doses ready to be passed off.

The discovery of the drugs, made inside an apartment in the historic center, led to the arrest of a 41-year-old Tunisian, with a criminal conviction, for the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs.

In particular, the agents of the Alcamo police station, after having observed in the previous days how the domicile of the arrested person had been subject of frequent and short visits by subjects known as drug users, decided to proceed with the search of the house used by the Tunisian national offender where, thanks to the infallible nose of the anti-drug German shepherd "Ulla" of the dog department of the State Police, it was found - well hidden on three different sites - approximately 60 grams of hashish and 16 grams of cocaine, a good part of which packaged in 13 wraps of cellophane ready to be passed off.

The search made it possible to find numerous small denomination money notes which was seized because it was incompatible with the presumed state of poverty of the subject, therefore considered a compendium of the criminal activity of drug dealing.

The Public Prosecutor's Office of Trapani, believing that the conditions that had allowed the police to proceed with the arrest of the non-EU citizen in flagrante delicto were existent, ordered that the arrested person be subjected to the personal precautionary measure of house arrest pending the ritual validation hearing following which the GIP, in addition to validating the arrest, endorsed the request of the Public Prosecutor by ordering the application of the precautionary measure of house arrest with the application of the electronic bracelet.

Alcamo: fiuto infallibile del pastore tedesco antidroga “Ulla”. Arrestato pregiudicato con hashish e cocaina pronte per lo spaccio.

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