Alcamo: Moroccan citizen arrested by the State Police for robberies and young local offender for thefts

Between the end of September and the first days of November, there were multiple burglaries in homes and commercial establishments, as well as robberies targeting elderly women.

Alcamo: Moroccan citizen arrested by the State Police for robberies and young local offender for thefts

On the morning of November 14, the State Police of Alcamo carried out two precautionary measures orders: the first of custody in jail issued by the GIP of the Court of Trapani, against a Moroccan citizen made responsible for numerous robberies, the second of the arrest with the application of the electronic bracelet, issued by the Court of Appeal of Palermo against a known criminal Alcamo responsible for numerous thefts to the detriment of commercial activities.

The above measures originate from a scrupulous activity carried out by the agents of the investigative team of the Alcamo State Police Station when, between the end of September and the first days of November, mainly in the historic center of the city of Alcamo, were recorded multiple thefts in homes and commercial establishments, as well as robberies against elderly women who, precisely because of their vulnerability, were easy “prey” to hit, causing particular concern among the citizens.

In particular, in light of two serious robberies consumed between the end of September and mid-October to the detriment of two elderly ladies, respectively 82s and 87s, the agents of the investigative team of the Alcamo State Police Station, on the basis of the dynamics described by the victims, have found that the events in question were attributable to a single author who acted alone. The long and careful examination of numerous videos acquired from various surveillance systems has allowed the identification of the perpetrator of the robberies in a non-EU citizen of Moroccan nationality aged 39, of no fixed abode, who, moreover, was identified by one of the victims following photographic recognition.

The results of the meticulous investigation activity were presented to the Judicial Authority which requested and obtained from the GIP of the Court of Trapani the personal precautionary measure of the custody in prisonThe police stopped the foreign citizen at the bus station as he was about to leave the municipality of Alcamo and therefore implemented the precautionary measure.

Also on the morning of November 14, the operators of the investigative team carried out the personal precautionary measure of house arrest with the application of the electronic bracelet, issued by the Court of Appeal of Palermo against a very young Alcamo criminal which, although already subjected to the precautionary measure of the obligation to remain at home with prescriptions, had scored an uninterrupted series of theft - more than ten those reported by the victims – to the detriment of commercial establishments, gyms, municipal offices and homes.

From the facts under investigation, the unsuitability of the measure to which the young man was subjected emerged and for which the aggravation of the same with that was requested home custody with application of electronic bracelet.

Alcamo: arrestati dalla Polizia di Stato cittadino marocchino per rapine e giovane pregiudicato locale per furti

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