Agrigento, vandalism raid at the Scala dei Turchi in Realmonte: those responsible identified and reported

Agrigento, just under 48 hours. It took the Carabinieri of the Agrigento Company a long time to give a name and surname, painstakingly reconstructing what had happened on the night between last Friday and Saturday at the Scala dei Turchi in Realmonte, to the authors of the vandalistic raid which defaced, with oxide powder of iron, the cliff of white marl. Two people were reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento for the alleged crime of damaging property having landscape value.

The Carabinieri of the Agrigento Company managed to shed full light on the identity of the authors of the massive damage, making use of the images of the video surveillance systems and of a barrage of searches and checks carried out between Realmonte and Favara, also passing through Porto Empedocle and the city of the Temples. The Chief Prosecutor of Agrigento Luigi Patronaggio and the Deputy Chiara Bisso coordinated the investigation file, initially opened against unknown persons.

The video surveillance footage made it possible to ascertain that a van, a Ford Transit, arrived at Scala dei Turchi in the evening; then two people got out of that vehicle dragging mysterious bags, the ones that contained the iron oxide powder. After careful and repeated analysis of the images, the Carabinieri managed to acquire the van's license plate number. From that moment on, there was a frantic rush to put a stop to the investigation into a case that caused a worldwide sensation and indignation.

As experts of the area and its inhabitants, the Carabinieri's suspicions immediately focused on a man from Favara, already known for similar damage. The tracing, in Favara, and the inspection of the van made it possible to find traces of iron oxide dust. The subsequent searches made it possible to find, inside the inspected warehouses, gloves dirty with the same dust and further, unequivocal, evidence. Two, in fact, from Favaro - they are middle-aged men - who were referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office for what was a pure act of vandalism.

In the meantime, the Scala dei Turchi - a candidate property to become a UNESCO world heritage site - has been cleaned by an army of volunteers. The "wound" to the landscape and beauty of Sicily was in fact immediately healed.

These are the statements of Colonel Vittorio Stingo:

“The Carabinieri intervened immediately to immediately identify the perpetrators of this crime by criminals who defaced one of the most important landscape assets of Sicily. The Army does not give up the territory in defense of our citizens and natural beauty"

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