Agrigento: precautionary custody in prison for 3 individuals held responsible for illegal immigration

They would have illegally procured the entry into the territory of the State of 124 non-EU citizens of African origin who landed in Lampedusa.

Agrigento: precautionary custody in prison for 3 individuals held responsible for illegal immigration.

Agrigento, yesterday evening the State Police carried out a precautionary custody order in prison, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Agrigento, against three subjects of Sudanese nationality (AI cls '95) Gambian (NL cls '82) e Nigerian (GB cls '99), held responsible for the crimes of aiding and abetting illegal immigration and death as a consequence of another crime.

In particular, the investigations conducted by the Flying Squad of Agrigento, the Central Operational Service and the SISCO of Palermo, and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento, have made it possible to collect serious circumstantial elements against the recipients of the precautionary measure, who allegedly carried out , last December 29th, acts aimed at illegally procuring the entry into the territory of the State of 124 non-EU citizens of African origin landed in Lampedusa, taking them from Libya to Italian territorial waters on board a vessel unsuitable for transporting a large number of people. The investigations also established that the precarious safety conditions, in which the vessel used for the crossing was located, caused during the sea voyageto the death of a migrant who was on board the vessel.


The information collected on the suspects, fully identified by the migrants on board, summarizes an evidentiary framework which led to the charge of the crime referred to in the art. 12 of Legislative Decree 286/98 with the aggravating circumstances of having procured the entry into the national territory of more than 5 people, of having exposed them to danger to their life or safety and of having acted with the aim of obtaining even indirect profit and of having caused the death of a migrant, as consequence of the crime of aiding and abetting illegal immigration.

The provision issued by the GIP at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento was carried out on the evening of 10 January and the suspects were associated at the prison of Agrigento available to the competent AG. The investigations are ongoing and the criminal responsibility of the subjects subject to precautionary measures has not yet been definitively ascertained.

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