Agrigento, crime of detention for the purpose of dealing, violence and threats to a public official. Arrested by the State Police.
Yesterday, 15 January 2024, the State Police arrested, in execution of an order to aggravate a precautionary measure, a 53-year-old subject from Canicattino, already known to the police for crimes relating to dealing of narcotic substances.
In particular, the activity conducted by the Flying Squad of Agrigento and by the agents of the Canicattì police station, and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento, made it possible to ascertain that the subject, despite was subjected to the measure of house arrest, having been arrested last August for crimes of the same type, continued the drug dealing activity inside his home. This reason led the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento to request theaggravation of the said measure , replacement with precautionary custody in prison, which was carried out by State Police personnel last evening.
During the aforementioned activity, the operators, suspicious of the subject's nervous and uncooperative attitude, carried out a search of his home where about gr. were found. 21 of Hashish and several small denomination banknotes, probable proceeds from the drug dealing activity. During the said search operations the subject he railed against police personnel, repeatedly threatening the officers.
Based on what has been described, the subject was taken to the Agrigento prison and was referred to the competent AG for crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs, violence and threats to a public official and aggravated threats.
The investigations are ongoing and the criminal responsibility of the person subject to the precautionary measure has not yet been definitively ascertained.
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