Accidents and checks on New Year's Eve 2024: data on injuries, arrests and seizures

A comprehensive analysis of the statistics related to fireworks incidents, reports and arrests for the month of December 2024, with a focus on the preventive measures adopted.

Accidents and checks on New Year's Eve 2024: data on injuries, arrests and seizures.

Report on safety data and control activities during the 2024 end-of-year holidays

This document provides a detailed summary of data on incidents, restrictive measures and seizures related to the use of pyrotechnic products and firearms during the New Year's Eve 2024 celebrations. The report also includes information on the control activity carried out by the Police Forces in December 2024.

Deaths and Injuries

There were no deaths caused by the use of explosive materials this year. However, the overall number of injuries increased compared to 2023, from 274 to 309, with a significant increase in hospital admissions, which were 69 compared to 49 the previous year.

Gunshot wounds

There were 12 cases of gunshot wounds, unchanged from 2023.

Severity of Injuries

  • Injured with a prognosis of less than or equal to 40 days: 221 (down from 242 last year).
  • Seriously injured with a prognosis of more than 40 days: 34, up from 27 in 2023.

Involvement of Minors

There has been a worrying increase in the number of injured minors, which have been 90 compared to 64 last year.

Restrictive Measures and Seizures

In December 2024, there was an increase in both complaints and arrests related to violations of regulations regarding the safety and handling of pyrotechnic products.

Seized Materials

Below is the data relating to the seizures carried out:

  • Rocket Launchers: 21 (473 in 2023).
  • Common firearms: 43 (7 in 2023).
  • Ammunition: 6.332 (23 in 2023).
  • Gunpowder: 1.214 kg (836 kg in 2023).
  • Category IV and V Tulps Pyrotechnic Artifacts: 64.416 kg (12.490 kg in 2023).
  • Products with “CE” marking: 52.489 kg (41.775 kg in 2023).
  • Unrecognized or illegal products: 31.247 kg (3.475 kg in 2023).
  • Parts of pyrotechnic articles: 612.537 units (162.678 in 2023).
  • Detonators: 7 (186 in 2023).
  • Trigger capsules: 2.183 (3.521 in 2023).

Control activity

In December 2024, the Police Forces intensified checks at:

  • Factories and explosives depots.
  • Retail sales with PS license
  • Unlicensed exercises.

This activity has allowed us to identify and repress numerous violations, helping to prevent more serious incidents.


There have been no deaths resulting from the use of explosive materials this year.

Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri
Graph no. 1. Deaths recorded in the period 2016-2025 during New Year's Eve celebrations.


The overall data relating to the wounded, which has settled at 309 (of which 69 hospitalized), shows an increase compared to the previous year (274 injured and 49 hospitalized).


Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri
Graph no. 2. Injuries recorded in the period 2016-2025 during New Year's Eve celebrations.


This end of the year they registered 12 gunshot wounds, in line with 2024 data (12)  

In relation to the severity of the injuries reported, a decrease in the number of injured with a prognosis of less than or equal to 40 days has been recorded (221 compared to the 242 than last year). As regards the seriously injured, with a prognosis of more than 40 days, there has been an increase compared to last year (34 in front of the 27 of the 2024).

In relation to the injury of minors, a increase of the overall data: 90 in front of the 64 of last year.   

Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri
Graph n 3. Injured with prognosis greater than 40 days


Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri
Graph n.4. Injured with prognosis less than or equal to 40 days


The data relating to arrests, reports and seizures, referring to the month of December 2024, are increasing compared to last year both in terms of people reported and in terms of arrests.


Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri
Graph no. 4. Data relating to people arrested and reported in the month of December of the reference year



The following is the data relating to the seized materials:

  • 21 rocket launchers (473 last year);
  • 43 common firearms (7 last year);
  • 6.332 ammunition (23 last year);
  • 1.214 of gunpowder (836 last year);
  • kg 416 of artefacts belonging to the IV and V Tulps category (12.490 last year);
  • kg 489 of manufactured products bearing the “CE” marking (41.775 last year);
  • 31.247 of products that are in any case not recognised and that is not included in the Tulps or “CE” categories because they are illegal, incorrectly labelled, not compliant with CE standards, not compliant with the recognition and classification decrees, abusive and/or other (3.475 last year);
  • 612.537 of parts of pyrotechnic articles of various kinds (162.678 last year);
  • 7 detonators (186 last year);
  • 2.183 trigger capsules (3.521 last year).


The following table shows the data concerning the control activities carried out by the Police Forces throughout the month of December 2024 at factories, warehouses, and small-scale retail outlets with and without a PS explosives license.

Incidenti e controlli a Capodanno 2024: i dati sui feriti, arresti e sequestri



Last night, a 29-year-old Saudi man – in Italy for tourism – was taken to the hospital for a gunshot wound to the shoulder. The man was reportedly hit on the street, in the San Carlo all'Arena area, by a stray bullet fired during the celebrations.


Last night, inside an apartment, a blank-firing gun was fired, which was being handled by a 6-year-old boy. The minor was taken to the hospital in Bari, where he underwent surgery due to the risk of amputation of a finger.


Last night, two Tunisian citizens, one of them a minor, were seriously injured following the explosion of fireworks. The minor suffered partial loss of an eye, while the other suffered serious injuries to the neck. Both are still hospitalized with red code.


Last night, the explosion of a homemade pyrotechnic device caused damage to a portion of the external wall of a residential building. The Fire Department, awaiting technical checks on the aforementioned building, evacuated 6 families of condominiums as a precaution. No injuries.


Last evening, a 26-year-old was taken to the hospital, in red code, for a laceration of the fingers of one hand due to the explosion of a firecracker.


Last evening, a 15-year-old Italian boy went to the hospital for a serious injury to his left eye due to a firecracker explosion. He was discharged with a prognosis of thirty days.


Last night, a 14-year-old foreign citizen went to the hospital with serious burns to his face caused by a pyrotechnic explosion – prognosis of thirty days.


Last evening, a 15-year-old Italian boy went to the local hospital with a serious injury to his right hand caused by the explosion of a large firecracker – still in a reserved prognosis.


Last night, a 13-year-old Italian boy went to the hospital for the loss of his right eye caused by the explosion of a large firecracker – still in a reserved prognosis.


Last night, a 31-year-old Italian man went to the hospital with a serious eye injury, caused by the explosion of a flare, accidentally set off by a friend.


Last night, two Moroccan citizens were seriously injured in their upper limbs following the explosion of a large firecracker.


Last evening, an 18-year-old was taken to the hospital – with a red code, not in danger of life – for a wound to the hand caused by the explosion of a pyrotechnic device found on the street.


Last evening, a 37-year-old Moroccan man was taken to hospital – with red code – for a wound to his hand with the loss of a finger, caused by the explosion of a firecracker.


Last night, a 17-year-old Italian boy was taken to the hospital for a serious injury to his right hand with the loss of two fingers, due to the explosion of some firecrackers. He was discharged with a prognosis of forty days.


Last evening, a 16-year-old Italian boy went to the hospital for a serious injury to his left hand due to a firecracker explosion. He was admitted to the hospital with a prognosis of fifty days.


Last evening, a 35-year-old man was taken to hospital for a wound to his face and right eye, caused by a firecracker explosion.


Last night, a minor, after collecting an unexploded firecracker, suffered deep wounds to his hand with the amputation of a phalanx of a finger.


Last night, a Roma man went to the hospital with a serious wound to his hand – with a prognosis of thirty days – caused by a firecracker explosion.


Last night, an Albanian citizen went to the local hospital with a serious wound to his hand caused by explosive material.


Last night, a 30-year-old man suffered serious injuries to his eye and hands, with a prognosis of forty days.


Last evening, a 45-year-old Italian man was taken to hospital with serious injuries to both eyes – he is still hospitalized.


Last night, a 60-year-old Italian man was taken to hospital for a serious injury to his hand, with partial amputation of three fingers, caused by the explosion of a firecracker – he is still hospitalized.


Last night, a 19-year-old Italian man was taken to hospital with serious injuries to his face, chest and abdomen, caused by a firecracker explosion – prognosis thirty days.

Another 58-year-old subject lost the use of a hand due to the ignition of a pyrotechnic device.


Last evening two minors suffered serious injuries to their hands due to the explosion of some handicrafts. One of them suffered injuries with a prognosis of forty days.

Another 56-year-old subject lost the use of a finger due to incorrect use of a flare gun.

The ratio in comparison

The report highlights an increase in both injuries and seizures of dangerous materials compared to previous years, despite efforts by law enforcement to strengthen prevention and controls. Significant challenges remain, particularly regarding the involvement of minors and the spread of illegal materials.

It is essential to continue with a more effective awareness and prevention strategy, involving both institutions and citizens, to ensure greater safety during future celebrations.

Forze Armate

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