
Vittoria, Ragusa. Extraordinary control of the territory: 4 people arrested for energy theft and 1 person arrested for possession of 200 grams. of cocaine

The Carabinieri of the Ragusa Provincial Command continue their activity to combat crimes against property and drugs.

Vittoria, Ragusa. Extraordinary control of the territory: 4 people arrested for energy theft and 1 person arrested for possession of 200 grams. of cocaine.

In particular, on the morning of the 7th, the Carabinieri of the Compagnia di Vittoria had created extraordinary control services of the territory to combat crimes in general. The activity allowed the arrest of 5 people, 4 of which for aggravated theft of electricity and 1 for possession of a cocaine-type narcotic.

The controls of the territory concerned the municipality of Ipparino where the Carabinieri of the Vittoria and Scoglitti stations, together with the personnel of the "Hunters of Sicily" helicopter squadron, carried out the following:

  • During a check inside a house, suspicious connections to the electricity meter emerged; the military, to better understand what they observed, requested the help of technical personnel from Enel who, also with their own technical equipment, ascertained the existence of an illegal connection to the electricity distribution network through the creation of a connection with a junction box outside the building which allowed the electricity consumption meter to be bypassed. Therefore, the Carabinieri proceeded to seizure of the cables used for the illicit wiring and proceeded to identify the inhabitants of the property in AMB, cl. 96, IB, cl. 89, CTD, cl. 97 and ALN, cl. 2000, all Romanian nationals; once the formal proceedings were completed, all of the aforementioned were referred under arrest to the Judicial Authority for the crime of aggravated theft of electricity.
  • during checks for the prevention and repression of drug crimes, the Carabinieri gained access to a house where the occupant, upon seeing the officers, immediately fled. The soldiers managed to block him on the roof of the building while he was trying to get rid of an envelope later confirmed to contain around 100 grams of cocaine. Having learned the contents of the envelope, the Carabinieri carried out a search of the house and managed to find another 100 grams of cocaine, hidden inside the car used by the aforementioned, together with 2 precision scales and the sum of 130 euros. The military first identified the occupant of the property in SM., Vittoria cl.58, and then proceeded to seize the scales, the banknotes and the 200 grams of cocaine found. Subsequently, once the formal procedures were completed, they proceeded against SM to refer him under arrest to the Judicial Authority for the crime of possession of a narcotic substance for the purpose of dealing.

Following the very direct rites for the validation of the arrests, held on the morning of the 8th, the Single Judges corroborated the investigative elements and sources of evidence collected by the military, sharing the precautionary measures applied by the Carabinieri.

Vittoria, Ragusa. Controllo straordinario del territorio: 4 persone arrestate per furto di energia e 1 persona arrestata per detenzione di 200 gr. di cocaina.

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