
Vicenza: resisting a public official and carrying offensive weapons, identified and reported by the police

He was stopped and taken to the Police Headquarters where he was found in possession of 2 knives, three smartphones and two different sums of money.

Vicenza: resisting a public official and carrying offensive weapons, identified and reported by the police.

The Flying Squad Agents reported at large a 27-year-old Nigerian citizen, with several criminal convictions for illegal possession of offensive weapons, violation of the law on narcotics and a conviction for this last crime.

The man was tracked down in Corso SS Felice e Fortunato during the daily activity of controlling the territory.
The Flying Squad patrol noticed that ANP, on a bicycle, was trying to hide from their sight. For this reason, the operators decided to proceed to check the man who was fleeing by turning onto via Catalani, a closed road that forced him to stop.

Intolerant of the control and lacking any document to prove his identity, he was asked why he was fleeing. To this request the man reacted by wriggling and trying to gain the escape route.

ANP was stopped again and taken to the Police Headquarters where he was found in possession of 2 knives, three smartphones and two different sums of money: the first amounting to 380,00 euros placed in a pocket of his trousers, the second of 5000,00 euros hidden inside the backpack he was carrying on his shoulder.

After being photographed, he was reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office for resisting a Public Official and illegal possession of weapons capable of causing offence and, since he was unable to justify the possession of the large sum of money, the money was placed under preventive seizure.

* “It is represented that the measure was adopted on the initiative of the proceeding Office and that, in accordance with the principle of the presumption of innocence, the guilt of the person under investigation in relation to the matter will be definitively ascertained only if an irrevocable sentence of conviction or similar forms is issued”.

Vicenza: resistenza a Pubblico Ufficiale e porto armi atte ad offendere, individuato e denunciato dalla Polizia.

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