Udine, young woman saved thanks to the State Police and the Military of the Operation Safe Roads

Udine, young woman saved thanks to the State Police and the Military of the Operation Safe Roads

Udine, young woman saved thanks to the State Police and the Military of the Operation Safe Roads

Yesterday afternoon in the town of Udine, moments of great tension were experienced due to the presence of a young girl who, in a state of great agitation, seemed to be about to make a reckless gesture while on the terrace on the second floor of a building.. Fortunately, an Army patrol was passing nearby, engaged in the “Safe Roads” operation, and alerted by passers-by, it intervened promptly, rushing to the scene while waiting for the arrival of the Udine Police Headquarters patrol cars.

Udine, giovane salvata grazie alla Polizia di Stato e ai Militari dell'Operazione Strade Sicure

The Army personnel initially started a delicate dialogue with the girl, masterfully managing to convince the person to move away from the balustrade of the terrace on the second floor., in the meantime the State Police personnel arrived on site and, entering the house, continued the dialogue with the young woman, managing to get her back into the house in safe conditions.

Thanks to the immediate intervention of the Army personnel, followed by the Flying Squad personnel, the situation returned to normal and the girl was returned to the care of her family members who had arrived in the meantime.

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