Ancona, two young scammers reported: they pretended to be minors and asked for ransom for compromising photos

Furthermore, two very young scammers, in their early twenties (one Italian and the other Brazilian) both resident in Romagna, were identified by the Postal and Communications Police of the Marche region.

The facts begin between 2019 and 2020 and are formalized in a complaint/complaint presented to the Ancona Post Office. Apparently it appears to be a case of sex extortion. Meeting in chat and on social media, images of a beautiful lady or attractive girl, sometimes sentimental/erotic involvement, request for naked images of the victim, generally of the male sex. This is followed by a request for money, under penalty of dissemination of the images on social media and on the "you tube" platform. In this case the dynamics were different, the events unfolded differently. While browsing the internet, the victim clicks on the advertising banner of a dating site ad, enters a chat, through the WhatsApp application, with a girl who, after asking for photos of her face and private parts, but without obtaining any, takes care of it. herself to send him intimate photos of herself and, having declared herself a minor, asks for the sum of €100 for a meeting with the boy, who, however, then proceeds to interrupt the communication and delete the photos and chats.

Then the self-styled girl's declaration that she was a minor and the consequent request for money because possession of the image constitutes a crime. This is what the self-styled minor claims. This is what the "self-styled mother" reiterates, requesting more money to cover the expenses of the psychologist who she will ask for help due to the state of prostration into which the minor fell after the fact. In total, 500 euros. But the authors went further.

To make the event more credible and threatening, they stage a complaint via wire to the local police station, pretending to have an official from the minors office (obviously female) communicate by inventing a fictional name, similar to those in well-known television dramas. The "false official" takes on a conciliatory, almost maternal tone, advising the complainants to pay the costs to avoid proceeding with the complaint, which would certainly entail greater costs. The fake policewoman makes herself available to act as an intermediary with the complainant, thus convincing them to settle the dispute in an amicable manner, upon payment of the requested sum, to thus obtain the withdrawal of the complaint in question.

At this point the victims, following the planned persuasions and pressures, make the payment of the requested sum. But the following day, going to the local police station to meet the aforementioned self-styled official, to analyze the whole affair and get clarifications on the matter, they learn that she does not exist.

Following the investigations conducted, this Office proceeded to report to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Ancona, the aforementioned perpetrators of the crime in question who, not new to similar illicit activities, appear to include various specific police prejudices, implemented precisely with the same and described modus operandi.

In this period, friend requests on social media are increasing greatly, thanks to the heat and the lesser desire to go out if you are in the city, the greater availability of time due to the start or approach of the summer holidays, the easing of restrictions and tension due to exit from lock down.

Not only on Facebook and Instagram but also Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram and all the "instant messaging" channels where requests for private conversations and especially images are poured, are targeted.

The victims are professionals, entrepreneurs, students, workers, in short everyone, and of almost all age groups. But be careful. Prudence and caution in accepting friendship proposals, in weaving sentimental stories, even long-standing ones, when the actual identity of the person we are talking to cannot be verified. So, let's check who the "contacts" of the girl who is contacting us are: if they are all male, if among them there are many of our own "contacts", we should become a little suspicious. Even more so if the girl's profile was opened recently, if she speaks somewhat broken Italian, if she is beautiful and unlucky or beautiful and available. Always check.


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