Tuscany: assets worth over 4 million euros seized from an entrepreneur linked to the 'Ndrangheta "Gallace" gang

Although the ablation measure carried out is not definitive, it is an important ruling as it demonstrates the presence of 'Ndrangheta-type organized crime in the Tuscan district, on which the investigative and judicial authorities pay maximum attention.

Tuscany: assets worth over 4 million euros seized from an entrepreneur linked to the 'Ndrangheta "Gallace" gang.

Since the early hours of the morning, the Carabinieri of the ROS and the Provincial Command of Arezzo have been carrying out an asset seizure decree issued by the Court of Florence - Prevention Measures Office - upon proposal of the District Attorney's Office of Florence, against an entrepreneur originally from Guardavalle (CZ), resident for many years in the province of Arezzo and connected to the 'ndrangheta gang called "Gallace gang".

The detailed patrimonial reconstruction conducted by the ROS, delegated by the District Attorney's Office of Florence, originated from multiple proceedings that involved this entrepreneur. In particular, the results of theoperation conventionally called “geppo/calatruria” which in April 2021 saw the execution of 17 precautionary measures against 17 subjects, seriously suspected, in various capacities, of criminal association aimed atextortion, illicit competition with violence and threats, irregular sub-contracting and other serious crimes aggravated both by the mafia method and by having facilitated the "Gallace gang" of Guardavalle (CZ).

The investigation was also fed by the findings of the well-known "Keu" investigation, which also saw the contribution of the Forestry Carabinieri of Florence and concerned the works relating to the srt429 Empoli-Castelfiorentino, which has been at the center of media attention for months.

The subsequent patrimonial investigations made it possible to ascertain a significant disproportion between the income declared by the entrepreneur in question and the assets attributable to him, hypothesizing an illicit enrichment that was affected by the anti-mafia seizure.

The seized assets concern a company active in the earthmoving sector based in Montevarchi (AR) and the related business complex, 1 real estate unit located in Bucine (AR), 15 lands considered to be of significant environmental and landscape value located in the territories of Bucine and Montevarchi (AR), 3 residential units located in Guardavalle (CZ), 21 cars, mopeds and work vehicles, as well as 12 banking relationships. The value of the assets seized is more than 4 million euros.

Although the ablation measure carried out is not definitive, it is an important ruling as it demonstrates the presence of 'ndrangheta-type organized crime in the Tuscan district, on which maximum attention is paid by the investigating and judicial authorities.

The provision will be subject to further scrutiny by the Court of Florence in the cross-examination of the parties in order to establish whether this asset can be confiscated or not.

Toscana: sequestrati beni per oltre 4 milioni di euro ad un imprenditore legato alla cosca di 'ndrangheta "Gallace".

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