Turin: he robs a merchant extorting money from him, arrested by the State Police

The man, not getting what he wanted, became more and more aggressive, violently kicking and punching the employee, until he hit him with a beer bottle and threatened to kill him.

Turin: he robs a merchant extorting money from him, arrested by the State Police

Un 39-year-old Italian citizen was arrested for robbery e reported for extortion, kidnapping and damage from the State Police in Turin.

It's late afternoon when thanks to the reports of several citizens approximately the assault of a trader, the operations center of the Police Headquarters sends two patrol cars from the San Donato and San Secondo Police Stations to the Parella neighborhood.

On site, the officers stopped an Italian citizen with clear signs on his body from a previous scuffle who tries to pass himself off as the victim of an assault, but who quickly becomes aggressive and threatening towards them.

The truth that emerges from the images from the internal cameras of the minimarket is very different: the thirty-nine-year-old, known to the shopkeeper for some time for having on several occasions taken away drinks without paying, this time had presented demanding money.

Torino: rapina un commerciante estorcendogli del denaro, arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato

The exhausted merchant handed over a banknote €20 to the man who, not satisfied, before leaving, also grabbed a bottle of whiskey and more money present in the cash register.

Thanks to the timely arrival of the police patrols, the thirty-nine-year-old is stopped and arrested.

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