Trieste, he asks to borrow the car to go shopping and disappears from circulation

A thirty-seven-year-old man of Romanian origin borrows a car from a friend by pretending to have back pain, but runs away to France to resell it. Tracked down after 5 years, he is arrested.

Trieste, he asks to borrow the car to go shopping and disappears from circulation.

Back pain and sciatica are an excellent excuse to borrow a friend's brand new car to carry heavy shopping bags, but it disappears from circulation. The following day the friend contacts him to have the car returned, but the friend again gives him the excuse that he still has to go shopping. The owner of the vehicle, becoming suspicious, decides to check on his acquaintance via Facebook, noting that he had posted photos of himself on board the vehicle he had borrowed, and learned with bitterness that the friend, or presumed friend, was in France right to resell the shiny machine. The owner, somewhat agitated, attempts mediation via telephone, but in exchange receives only insults and a clear refusal to return the product. Thus he files the complaint.

5 years later, the Carabinieri patrol of the Aurisina station tracked him down during a back-pass check. The man, this time, travels comfortably aboard a bus headed to Portugal. During the inspection, the military discovers that the man, a thirty-seven-year-old Romanian, is wanted for an arrest warrant, having to serve 8 months in prison for embezzlement for the facts committed in Bergamo.

So the Aurisina Carabinieri patrol arrests him and takes him to the Coroneo prison.

Trieste, chiede in prestito l’auto per fare la spesa e sparisce dalla circolazione

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