Trentino bears, the ordinance that wanted a mother bear dead has been suspended. Oipa: «Fugatti changes his anti-bear strategy»

Oipa recalls that the provincial "bear killing" law is the subject of a pilot procedure before the European Commission

Trentino bears, the ordinance that wanted a mother bear dead has been suspended. Oipa: «Fugatti changes his anti-bear strategy».

THEInternational Organization for Animal Protection (Oipa) expresses satisfaction with the suspension of the ordinance of the president of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Maurizio Fugatti, which gave to the Forest Rangers the mandate to kill thebear KJ1, 22 year old mother bear, the oldest in Trentino, with her puppies in tow, who in her life It has never created any problems.

The appeal, submitted from Oipa together with Enpa, Lav and Leidaa, was upheld and the order was suspended from Regional Administrative Court of Trento, until September 5, the date of the collegial hearing.

Oipa hopes that President Fugatti will review his "anti-bear strategy" in the name of respect for animal life and biodiversity, also protected by Article 9 of the Constitution. There are ways to encourage a peaceful coexistence between humans and plantigrades: just apply them, as for example the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise (closure of certain paths, fences for flocks, wildlife corridors, information and training of the population on how to behave in the territory inhabited by bears). This is also what the vast majority of public opinion at a national level.

THEOipa remember that the provincial "bear killing" law is the subject of a Pilot procedure before the European Commission and it could also be unconstitutional for violation of Article 9 of the Constitutional Charter.

Orsi trentini, sospesa l ordinanza che voleva morta una mamma orsa. Oipa Fugatti cambi la sua strategia antiorso

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