Trapani, extraordinary prevention and control services of the territory. 187 reports, 8 complaints and 638 infringements of the Highway Code

In the month of February n. 47 interviews and notification no. 63 calls, issuing n. 20 sanctioning measures

Trapani, extraordinary prevention and control services of the territory. 187 reports, 8 complaints and 638 infringements of the Highway Code.

The extraordinary services arranged within the Committee for Public Order and Security continue in the capital and in the province in agreement with the heads of the Police Forces and the Mayors of the area.

In February 2024, the Police Forces implemented n. 82 extraordinary services which involved, in the capital, the historic center and in the province, in the areas considered "at risk", the municipalities of Alcamo, Castellammare del Golfo, Marsala, Mazara del Vallo and Salemi.

Carried out no. 4.896 checks towards persons subject to judicial obligations, reported no. 187 people to the Prefecture pursuant to art. 75 Presidential Decree 309/90 for personal use of narcotic substances,  reported no. 8 to the Judicial Authority pursuant to art. 73 Presidential Decree 309/90.

In the month of February, the Drug Addiction Operations Unit of the Prefecture carried out n. 47 interviews and notification no. 63 calls, issuing n. 20 sanctioning measures and n. 28 formal invitations, compared to a monthly average in the year 2023 respectively of n. 17 and n. 18.

With reference to violations of the Highway Code, in the month of February no. 638 infringements, of which n. 8 for speeding, n. 9 for driving while intoxicated, n. 94 for circulation with insurance expired, n. 17 for the use of radio-telephone devices while driving, n. 18 for circulation without wearing a helmet, n. 18 for circulation without seat belts and n. 177 for circulation with a vehicle without inspection, as well as findings no. 33 accidents.

In the same period the Prefecture's License Office issued a total of n. 65 suspension measures, of which n. 20 pursuant to article 186 of the Highway Code (Driving under the influence of alcohol) and n. 7 pursuant to187 article of the Highway Code (Driving under the influence of drugs) and n. 38 for other violations of the Highway Code.

As part of the administrative activity of this Prefecture, n. 15 measures prohibiting the possession of weapons and 1 measure adopted rejecting the request for registration in the list of suppliers of goods, providers of services and executors of work, White List and n. 6 anti-mafia information of interdictory content, resulting from judicial investigations and on proposals of the Joint Forces Group coordinated by this Prefecture.

Trapani, servizi straordinari di prevenzione e controllo del territorio. 187 segnalazioni, 8 denunce e 638 infrazioni del Codice della Strada

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