Trapani: 10 Oral Warnings and 7 mandatory warnings issued by the Police Commissioner. Controls in the area are increasing

An intense activity that represents the natural outcome of the intensification of control over the territory by the Police Headquarters, with the main objective of also starting a preventive activity in order to stem any type of crime.

Trapani: 10 Oral Warnings and 7 mandatory warnings issued by the Police Commissioner. Controls in the area are increasing.

Mandatory street notices, oral notices and DASPO. These are the prevention measures imposed by the Police Commissioner following the investigation carried out by the State Police personnel of the Anti-Crime Police Division of the Trapani Police Headquarters to ensure greater safety in the area.

In the first month of the year, the results achieved thanks to the commitment of the policemen and women of the aforementioned Division demonstrate aintense activity which represents the natural outcome of the intensification of control over the territory by the Police Headquarters, with the main objective of also starting a preventive activity in order to stem any type of crime.

In January 2024, 10 Oral Notices were adopted (one of which with additional requirements), 7 Mandatory Leave Notices with a Return Ban in the Municipalities of Trapani, Erice, Alcamo and Calatafimi-Segesta against individuals from Catania and Palermo and a Public Access Ban establishments and places of public entertainment (so-called DACUR), which prohibits those affected from accessing public places.

Personal prevention measures, included in the Anti-Mafia Code (Legislative Decree 159\2011), can be adopted by the Police Commissioner against "subjects who, due to their conduct and standard of living, must be considered, on the basis of factual elements, to habitually live, even partially, with the proceeds of criminal activities"; and also for "those whose behavior must be considered, on the basis of factual elements, to be dedicated to the commission of crimes which offend or endanger the physical or moral integrity of minors, health, safety or tranquility publish."

In particular, the mentioned measures concerned subjects engaged in the activity of drug dealing, the commission of crimes against the person and property, as well as the habit of carrying weapons or objects capable of offending.
Furthermore, the DACUR concerned a person from Mazara who made a serious threat to a man inside a premises in Mazara del Vallo, this underlines the strategic importance of the instrument of prevention measures in maintaining public order and safety.

The oral warning, governed by art. 3 of the code of anti-mafia laws, is the provision with which the Police Commissioner orally warns the subject, considered socially dangerous, that there is evidence against him, at the same time inviting him to maintain conduct compliant with the law; in the event of further violations, the more incisive measure of special public security surveillance may be proposed.

The oral warning with prescriptions represents an aggravated form of provision, as the Police Commissioner can impose on the recipient of the measure a ban on possessing or using certain objects or instruments that can be used in criminal activities, such as communication equipment, night vision goggles, accessories of individual ballistic protection, reproductions of weapons and more. The oral warning with prescriptions may be followed by the revocation of the driving license.

The mandatory expulsion order, however, governed by art. 2 of the aforementioned code, is adopted for people who are dangerous to public safety and who are outside their places of residence. In these cases the Police Commissioner can send them back with a reasoned provision, prohibiting them from returning, without prior authorization or for a period not exceeding four years, to the municipality from which they are removed.

Trapani: 10 Avvisi Orali e 7 Fogli di via obbligatorio emessi dal Questore. Aumentano i controlli sul territorio

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