Tortona (AL), Carabinieri patrol rescues a motorist who falls ill
A twenty-six-year-old who felt ill was rescued after noticing him making unusual maneuvers and stopping on the traffic island.
Tortona (AL), Carabinieri patrol rescues a motorist who falls ill.
In the early morning of January 4, the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Division of the Tortona Company, during a normal patrol service, while traveling along Via Sparpaglione di Tortona, noticed that a car was carrying out anomalous maneuvers and then stopped moving on the traffic island. At that point the military reached the vehicle and ascertained that the driver, a 26-year-old local man, was unconscious.
Immediately, before the arrival of the 118 personnel, the soldiers placed the young man in a lateral safety position to allow him to breathe, extracting his tongue and massaging his jaw to facilitate relaxation. Upon the arrival of the ambulance, the motorist was transported to the emergency room of the Tortona hospital and subsequently to the Novi Ligure hospital for further medical checks.
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