Tortona (AL), Carabinieri officer implements the Heimlich maneuver and saves the life of a citizen
A carabiniere saved a 56-year-old man who was suffocating thanks to the appropriate maneuver.
Tortona (AL), a Carabinieri officer implements the Heimlich maneuver and saves the life of a citizen.
In the late morning of January 2, the Selected Officer Andrea Laratta, effective at the Operational Rate of the Tortona Company, intervened and managed to save a 56-year-old who was in danger of suffocating while having a meal at a bar in Tortona. The Carabiniere, realizing that the man had ingested food and was suffocating, promptly intervened among the alarmed diners and performed the Heimlich maneuver, managing to make the unfortunate man expel the morsel.
The Selected Officer Laratta, together with other soldiers of the Tortona Company, last May had joined the "Tortona - Cardioprotected City" project, a municipal initiative proposed by the local Red Cross which, through training personnel and the financing of the local Rotary Club, had trained about ten Carabinieri in the use of the defibrillator.
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