Tortona, they try to defraud an elderly woman: two foreigners arrested for extortion

They try to defraud an elderly woman: two foreigners arrested and held responsible for extortion. They passed themselves off as a healthcare worker asking for 10 euros to save her niece.

Tortona (Alessandria): they try to defraud an elderly woman, two foreigners arrested for extortion.

The Carabinieri of the Operational Division of the Tortona Company arrested a 63-year-old Polish man and a 19-year-old Czech woman for aggravated extortion against an elderly woman.
On the morning of October 10th, the son of the victim, when he arrived at his mother's house, he found her on the phone with a woman who, posing as ahealth worker, asserted that her niece, admitted to hospital, needed urgent life-saving treatment and that it was needed immediately 10mila euros to be able to proceed, to avoid serious complications and even the death of the young woman. During the phone call, the woman also pretended to be her granddaughter, causing confusion and deep apprehension in the elderly victim.

Warned by his son, the Carabinieri promptly reached the domicile of the victim and they lay in wait for the arrival of the criminals. Shortly afterwards, a young woman got out of a car in which there were two people and stood under a balcony, from where a bag containing 100 euros in cash, when she had told the elderly woman that she could not approach her to avoid contagion.
Unfortunately for them, the Carabinieri blocked and arrested them, recovering the money.

The subsequent search allowed them to be found in theirs availability of the sum of 2.600 euros in cash, probably the proceeds of previous scams and subjected to seizure.
Conducted at the prisons of Alessandria and Vercelli, following the validation of the arrest, they were released by the GIP of the Court of Alessandria and subjected to a ban on expatriation and the obligation to report to the Judicial Police bodies.
The two will have to answer for the crime of aggravated extortion, since the dynamics implemented during the commission of the crime resulted in the most serious crime, instead of what could have been a possible fraud, given the threat of an unjust harm deriving from the failure to pay the sum of money requested and the consequent unfair profit for the perpetrators of the crime to the detriment of the victim.

The Carabinieri of the Tortona Company renew the information campaign "scams... help us to help you", started some time ago in the area, in churches, places of aggregation for elderly people and condominiums, with the aim of preventing crimes such as scams and thefts against the elderly, urging anyone who becomes aware of them to contact the “112” or to immediately go to the Carabinieri stations in the area.

Tortona (Alessandria): tentano di truffare un’anziana, arrestati due stranieri ritenuti responsabili di estorsione.

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